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My first song

Started by Sprocket, October 29, 2009, 01:39:35 PM


SKT - Yep, you've certainly got the feeling there, and at the risk of being throttled with assorted guitar strings, what I think some of the other Posters are saying is, is that the drums seem slightly out-of-kilter with the guitars in the sense that they appear over-powering and processed. Try lowering the drums in the mix, because the guitar sounds appear to stand up pretty well on their own. Anyway, good luck with your endeavours, you seem as though you're heading in the right direction.

Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


Great late night bluesy tone you have going there. I agree with the drum comments... the guitar would stand up just as well without them. Or use the 'jazz' kit, drop the rhythm volume a bit and raise the reverb to give more of a roomy 'live' sound. Just a thought. I very much like where you're going with this though, and there's no looking back now... !!!!


Wow, thanks for the comments, those last two really drove the point home...I reckon Id missed what others were trying to say.
I tried the Jazz kit, but this one was actually softer, IMO...but maybe I'll go back and lower the volume of the rhythm?? Good suggestion.

Given time, Ive noticed its my intro(for lack of a better term) thats out of time...I have a tough time starting off cold, but I warm up to timing after the first round...and its my second time around(the 12 bars) that the loop is made from, so that first 12 bars is a lil off.
Any advice on how to over come this cold timing?