Record on 2 tracks-2 inputs-2 instruments

Started by Mach, October 15, 2009, 01:48:25 PM


Hi, it's been a while since I've been to the site. I remember reading something about this a while back but couldn't find it in a search.

Can I (and another guitarist) record on 2 tracks, one in the Line & one in the Instrument jack at the same time and have 2 different (guitar) mono tracks (1&2)?
Pro Tools
Adobe Audition
Boss Micro BR


The only way you could do it is via the LineIn/Mic input. You could use a Y-adapter cable to connect both guitars but the input impedance and sensitivity aren't right for guitars so the results might not be great. Alternatively, you could use an external mixer that has two guitar inputs (Hi Z). Plug both guitars into the mixer and pan one full left and the other full right. Connect the mixer's Line Out to the Micro BR's Line In. The left channel guitar will be recorded on track 1 (3 if recording to 3/4) and the right channel guitar will be recorded to track 2 (4). Any BR effects you use while recording will be applied to both guitars.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thanks 64 Guitars. I will be using an ext. mixer, I just didn't think about the panning trick for each channel. I'll give it a shot. I just need make sure the BR is set up for recording in stereo, correct?
Pro Tools
Adobe Audition
Boss Micro BR


Quote from: Mach on October 16, 2009, 12:00:27 PMI just need make sure the BR is set up for recording in stereo, correct?

When you select the Line input and press a track button to arm it, a pair of tracks will be armed (1&2 or 3&4). That's all you need to record in stereo. The left channel of the LineIn will be recorded on track 1 (or 3) and the right channel will be recorded on track 2 (or 4). You can also enable Stereo Link if you like (see page 41 of the Micro BR manual). Stereo Link makes it easier to adjust the levels because the -/+ buttons will affect both tracks.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thats f*cking genius!! I just been trying to record with a guitar into the gtar input and sing into the onboard mic just to experiment but what it gave me was guitar and vocal both on tracks one and two so i couldnt do anything to seperate them, this panning thing is brilliant i cant wait to try that!
I want to record an acoustic guitar and vocal at the same time for certain songs and im just wondering how, im sure with this panning thing i could pan my vocal left and my guitar right and by what im assuming this will give me great separation and also capture a performance!?


Much has been said about the Micro BR guitar+mic input falling short of true two-track recording. The work-arounds described here are one way to somewhat solve the problem, and are worth more widely publicizing. I thought I'd put in my own $0.02 on an approach using this.

I use a Digitech RP350 as my main guitar effects machine, although the BR patches are really quite good. I also have a cheapo Phonic powered mixer that I use for vocals. Using the general Line Input approach I can record the guitar from the RP350 and and the vocals from the mixer simultaneously on two separate tracks. I take the Rec Out from the mixer using a 1/8" Stereo to Dual Phono (RCA) Plug Y-cable (Radio Shack #42-495) and the headphone out from the RP350 using a standard 1/8" stereo to 1/8" stereo cable. I feed both of these into the MBR Line Input using a 1/8" Dual Mono Jack to 1/8" Stereo Plug Y-Adapter (RadioShack #274-375). However I also have to use a 1/8" Stereo-to-Mono Adapter (Radio Shack #274-882) on each input to the Y-Adapter (glitch in the Y-adapter wiring).

The input impedances are OK with this setup, and I can control the guitar and vocal signal independently, and with the RP350 and mixer apply different effects to guitar and vocal. I admit, it relegates the MBR to a simple 2 track recorder (ie, I turn off the MBR effects), but it's a way to lay down a recording to build on.

Thanks again to 64guitars for promoting the basic idea.