Recording a live amp with the built in mics??

Started by Rickocaster, October 07, 2009, 10:03:01 PM


What's the best way to record a live amp with the BR-600's built-in mics? Specifically:

1. Which patch should I use?
2. How far from amp should I place the unit?
3. Other suggestions?
Come on, you know you want to go there...


 hi Rick -
dont know if this is any help -but I use line out from amp into mic imput
with effects off-then add reverb etc  later-
but I dont really know if this is the best way to do it
Boss BR-800
Boss BR-600


Interesting. Do you use one of the mic patches and then modify it by turning the effects off, or do you record it "dry"?

I guess it's kind of academic in this case because the particular amp I want to record doesn't have a line out. I'll be recording the sound coming from it's speakers.

Thanks for the tip, though. I have a couple of other amps with a line out so I might give your method a try.
Come on, you know you want to go there...


Yeah you should record it pretty dry. In the end, it comes down to personal taste; you could still use the BR's Compressor/limiter, stereo chorus, delay/reverb but the CAB simulator and overdrive/distortion should really be OFF (these are not enabled in any of the MIC FX presets anyway).
Using the built-in mic it not ideal for guitar cab miking; an old fashioned "dull" dynamic mic such as the classic shure SM58 is better suited.

Boss BR-600