can i use Micro Br with computer and audacity

Started by Stan, October 06, 2009, 10:01:00 AM


i'm not very good at using the BR, i can't even get the songs i have on it off or convert to MP3, so i thought perhaps using my computer and audacity might be an easier option for me,

has anyone had any experience using the above configuration to record and OR get your recordings off the BR via MP3 format?


I have done both.

One way is to use the BR Wave Converter software:

You can then import the WAV files into Audacity.

You can also master to MP3 from the Micro BR - switch to Mastering mode, then record your mixdown to two tracks. At the end of the recording, the MBR will as if you want to export it to MP3 or WAV. Once you export to MP3, you can access it on your computer (via a USB cable - it's in the MP3 folder on the Micro BR).
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


hi and thanks for your reply

i'll give the BR Wave Converter a try :) :)

as for the other way, i've tried for months and i cannot get anything off the BR i've recorded, i can't even find the named file i want to master/convert as you suggested doing,

there's a video "how to" video on here telling how, however it does not tell you the most important starting point, where is the file to master ! ! the video just assumes that you've just recorded and straight away will master it so i guess the recording is already there.

anyway thanks for the Converter link, i'll report  back if that works for me, if it does then i'll need to learn how to use Audacity.............................

Tony W


When you record, do you do it from MP3 mode, or do you create new songs? Probably the easiest way to tell, is to browse to your MP3 folder from the computer and see if there are files starting with BRxxxx in there.

I'm not a technically challenged person, but I was musically challenged and it really created a lot of problems for me when it came to terminology. If you'd like some individualized help, I'd be more than happy to help you via PM or email or however you like. Heck, I'll even do a video lesson if you like.

Once this device becomes easier to use, its a powerful little gadget. I still have miles of learning left to go.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


Quote from: Stan on October 06, 2009, 11:50:54 AMas for the other way, i've tried for months and i cannot get anything off the BR i've recorded, i can't even find the named file i want to master/convert as you suggested doing.

First, enter Mastering mode by pressing the Exit and Utility buttons on the MBR simultaneously - press once and you're in Bounce mode, and press them again and you're in Mastering mode (you should see a lit indicator reading 'Mastering'). Then select the stereo pair of virtual tracks you want to master to - any pair of empty tracks will do. Finally, make sure that you're at the beginning of the song, and then start recording, and you are mastering. Once it's done and you press Stop, the MBR screen will ask if you want to to export to MP3 or WAV. You can name the file and choose either 128 or 192 kbps for your MP3 bit rate.

When you attach your Micro BR to a computer using a USB cable, the MBR should appear on your system as a disk. If you open it, you will find an MP3 folder - that is where the MP3 file you mastered resides.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


hiya tony and thanks for the offer,

i'll explain my issue,

1st off i'm not recording a new song, how i'm using the Micro is that i've download some MP3 backing tracks and then i play along with the backing tracks, once i feel good i'll record over the backing track, so as you say this is from MP3 Mode i guess,

and you've hit the nail on the head for me it's the terminology/jargon, most of the time everyone including the manual assume you know what their talking about.............via the words, but i'm lost before they begin.............

i'm not sure if the Wave Converter will work with the Micro because the download site does not reference it specifically so i'm hesitate to go thru with the download............


It works with the Micro BR (it works with all BRs). Used it many times.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


thanks cuthbert for the support on the Wave converter, i shall give it a try and see,

as for my other issue,

"1st off i'm not recording a new song, how i'm using the Micro is that i've download some MP3 backing tracks and then i play along with the backing tracks, once i feel good i'll record over the backing track, so as you say this is from MP3 Mode i guess,"

can i use the Micro in that way and get the recording off via MP3 by mastering the song? ?


Quote from: Stan on October 06, 2009, 12:20:10 PM"1st off i'm not recording a new song, how i'm using the Micro is that i've download some MP3 backing tracks and then i play along with the backing tracks, once i feel good i'll record over the backing track, so as you say this is from MP3 Mode i guess,"

can i use the Micro in that way and get the recording off via MP3 by mastering the song? ?

No worries- should work just fine using Mastering mode.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition

Tony W

Stan, send me a PM. If you are in the states, I'll give you a call and walk you through the whole process.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR