GTR+MIC effects

Started by 89strat, September 21, 2009, 12:15:13 PM


I've been using the MBR's GTR+MIC option to practice singing while I play a bass part against drum and rhythm tracks (simultaneously press [tr1] (GTR)
and [tr2] (MIC), the sound from GUITAR IN and the sound from the onboard mic
will be mixed in monaural.)

I don't understand the mic effects used in this mode. The effects button seems to control the guitar input, but not the internal mic.

I know that recording the tracks separately is a better option for fidelity and control over track effects and levels, but the objective is to practice and get better at singing and plucking at the same time and to use the MBR top review progress.

Got ideas or info? Thanks!


On page 62 of the Micro BR manual, it says....

On the MICRO BR, the patch bank is selected
automatically according to the input source
you've selected with the INPUT parameter. For
example, the patches of the guitar bank will be
selected if you've chosen GTR (guitar) as the
input source, and the patches of the line bank will
be selected if you choose LIN (line).
If you've simultaneously selected both GTR and
MIC as the input, the guitar bank will be selected.
However, the effect will apply only to the audio
input via GUITAR IN.

According to the last sentence, the effects are only applied to the Guitar input. You can switch to a different patch bank by moving the cursor to the "GT" in the display and pressing the -/+ buttons to change it to MC, LN, or EX, but the effects will still only be applied to the Guitar input - not the internal mic.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thanks for the quick response, 64! Guess the lesson is RTFM, as always! ;D

One other question: I notice that when I select GTR+MIC, if I hold the GTR buttton down first, then press MIC, "GTR" blinks in the display; if I hold the MIC buttton down first, then press GTR, "MIC" blinks in the display. Does this mean anything?



This one confused me too for a while (as I often use GTR+MIC facility). I do know that I can change the effect on BOTH GTR and MIC though. It's a pain, because you have to select both first (at this point it defaults to the GTR effect you choose), then you need to select MIC only and change the effect on that, THEN go back to selecting both GTR and MIC again. I'm doing this from memory, so I hope this is the right process, but I know it does work.

Good luck!!!


Thanks for the info, Greeny, but I'm still confused! I tried the steps you described in your post and still couldn't get the MIC effects set when in GTR+MIC mode.

"...I'm doing this from memory, so I hope this is the right process..."

Could you check the steps you described to confirm that this is the way you got it to work?

Thanks for your help.

BTW, I've really enjoyed and been inspired by the work you've posted. Keep up the great work!


Quote from: 89strat on September 23, 2009, 08:27:42 AMThanks for the info, Greeny, but I'm still confused! I tried the steps you described in your post and still couldn't get the MIC effects set when in GTR+MIC mode.

"...I'm doing this from memory, so I hope this is the right process..."

Could you check the steps you described to confirm that this is the way you got it to work?

Thanks for your help.

BTW, I've really enjoyed and been inspired by the work you've posted. Keep up the great work!

You're right... the MIC effect seems to re-set itself back to some kind of default no matter what steps you take. I just did it on my BR to check.

I was confused by the fact that I've recorded with both a wild guitar effect and a clean vocal effect at the same time. I must have thought I was on the vocal effect I wanted! Clearly not!

Anyway... I've had the best results with both effects OFF, lol... just the clean acoustic and clean vocal. Worth a try?!

Sorry to send you on a wild goose chase...


Thanks for the follow-up, Greeny. Guess this limitation of the MBR is an argument for getting a BR-600 or ???


Quote from: 89strat on September 24, 2009, 02:19:25 PMThanks for the follow-up, Greeny. Guess this limitation of the MBR is an argument for getting a BR-600 or ???

...or a y-adapter that would allow you to record on two tracks simultaneously using the line input.  One branch to the guitar, the other to an external microphone.  Record dry, add effects later.

If you already have a decent mic that doesn't require phantom power, a y-adapter would give you what it sounds like you need.

BTW: I never knew about GTR+MIC before I read this post.  It's exactly what I should have been using to record my scratch tracks.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


Quote from: 89strat on September 24, 2009, 02:19:25 PMThanks for the follow-up, Greeny. Guess this limitation of the MBR is an argument for getting a BR-600 or ???

I wouldn't swap my MBR for the world!

I generally use GTR+MIC to get a more natural acoustic tone. When I do this, I use very little GTR volume in the mix... just a touch really. It also gives me the option of adding 'live' backing vox.


Thanks, guys!

Ted, your suggestion sounds good--I'll try a Y-cable to the line in. I also saw your earlier suggestion about using a stereo mixer for this. Which option have you used?

Greeny, who said anything about swapping my MBR?  :) Getting a 600 would be in addition to the Micro!