A song composed today, "Fermate ogni Guerra"

Started by dade, September 17, 2009, 04:44:52 PM


Thanks to you all!! You can't imagine what it means to me! :)

You're so good musicians and I have just to learn from you! Have you got any advice to give me?

As soon as I can, I wanna re-record it 8-)

I don't like my voice, so I tend to sing very quiet :(

@Nigel:most people don't know how the italian front in WWI was a tragedy. Many relatives of mine fought at the Isonzo river or upon the mountains, some in the italian army, some in the army of Austria-Hungary. Now it's all almost forgotten, but in north-east Italy mountains, rivers, towns, tell a horrible story. You can see the big hole made by cannonballs even now, after almost a century!!
Millions of men set to kill each other for no reason except political tricks in Rome, London and so on....Thank you for reading about it.

Tony W

Dade, you underestimate you voice. You are one of those people with a beautiful voice, but don't realize how good it is.

I am one of those people with a truly awful voice, and am not only aware of how bad it is, but others too have commented on how bad it is.

This is a beautiful piece of music as is. The only thing missing is the confidence in knowing that you belong.

Boss BR-800

Boss BR-80

Boss Micro BR


I found this by watching "Who's Online" and a guest was reading=> Korg - Sound On Sound=> dade had replied to my post...

Very melodic and well performed song - I'd encourage you to post more, if you read this!!


Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Great bump... yes this is a very beautiful song... yes post more Dade... I especially appreciate the translation... otherwise I wouldn't understand a word... More please!!!
Tascam DP-02


Very nice Dade. The emotion comes through even though I do not understand the lyric. Keep up the good work and a Happy New Year.