A song composed today, "Fermate ogni Guerra"

Started by dade, September 17, 2009, 04:44:52 PM


Fermate ogni guerra
You guys have been so kind with me, and you can't understand what it means to me!!!
You are the reason I bought my MBR for: listening to your compositions convinced me that MBR is the real "creativity key"  ;)

I feel shy, but I'd like to post this stuff.
It's really "raw".

It's the first time I write a song and record it in less than an hour. Usually I practice playing it again and again...So much that I get bored and I never record anything  ::)

Today (September 17), six italian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. As I read the new, I couldn't believe it. I thought to thier families, their wives and kids and so on.
I felt desperate and angry at the same time. I hold my guitar and started picking and singing what I was thinking about.

..and this song was born  :-[

Then I changed: strumming was much better than picking for what I'm saying, and the song grew. So I turned the MBR on...

It's full of mistakes, but it's what I'm feeling. Love to the families of the dead soldiers. But "Fermate ogni guerra". That means "Stop every war"! Not only the war you can read on the papers  :-[

Innocent people die. Soldiers. Families destroyed. It is not the government going to fight, it's just poor boys and girls, often younger than me...

 :'( :'( :'(

So, I'm sorry for every mistake. Just a battle of guitar and my poor voice.



I really like it Dade.  Great job capturing a real and raw emotion.  It is one of the best things about the microBR, doing just what you did, get an emotional response to something and one hour or 4 later have a full song in mp3 format to share.  It is the best thing for capturing pure inspiration like this.  Really good song, nobody will hear any mistakes when you sing and play with so much feeling as you do here, it is just beautiful music, an original wonderful song.  Way to go.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


You conveyed your message.  I love it.  Brought tears to my eyes.  Too many useless deaths and families hurt. It might be raw but it is very heartfelt.   (Even if I don't understand your words)  It is truly beautiful!!  Could you post the English words for us? This isn't too long after Sept 11  one of our worst tragedies. Can't wait to hear more from you!!


Thank you so much...you are so good musicians, I feel like a lonely hobo songwriter ;D

Here are the italian words....I try to translate, it's not so easy, but I would like you could understand what I'm singing  :'(

Arrivata un'altra bara, un' altra donna che non sa
che la vita sua s'è persa, che il suo amore non è più
Un soldato ed un bambino su un martirio di città
Affamate di vittoria, silenzio e vanità

Ti chiamano guerra...Fai forti i potenti
Calpesti i vicini, Rovesci la grazia
Ti chiamano guerra folle accecate
Voci dannate orfane di Dio

Fermate ogni guerra, o uomo ritorna in te!
Urla tutta la terra, piagata di verità

Sono lampi tuoni ed Urli, utopie di nuove età
Giuramenti ormai infranti, eterni deja vu
Cuoce il rombo del cannone un inferno, la realtà
La falce rotea smunta sui flagelli di quaggiù

Ti chiamano guerra...Fai forti i potenti
Calpesti i vicini, Rovesci la grazia
Ti chiamano guerra folle accecate
Voci dannate orfane di Dio

Fermate ogni guerra, o uomo ritorna in te!
Urla tutta la terra, piagata di verità


Another coffin just arrived: another burning voman
ignoring her baby's died, her life is gonna blow.
Just a soldier and a kid in his hand walking through a lonely landscape:
A martyred town hungry of silence, peace and vanity.

we call it "war": it makes stronger and stronger powerful men
it tramples on your neighbour, it breaks the grace
we call it "war":Many blind crowds beg it, just damned voices orphans of God

STOP EVERY WAR! Human being, retrace your steps!
The whole earth is screaming, blistered by truth

There are lamps, thunders, screams, utopias of new golden age
Broken vows, eternal deja vu's
Cannon's thunders are building up a hell: the plain reality.
Death's scythe rolls emaciated upon the scourges we're suffering

we call it "war": it makes stronger and stronger powerful men
it tramples on your nieghbour, it breaks the grace
we call it "war":Many blind crowds beg it, just damned voices orphans of God

STOP EVERY WAR! Human being, retrace your steps!
The whole earth is screaming, blistered by truth

...I'm sorry, but, as you can see, it's not so easy to translate :'( :-[

p.s. I listened again to the song I poste. It's horrible. I have to record it again  :'( :'( as soon as I can  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Beautiful Statement......

Beautiful Song.......

Peace Bro


Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  weebly.com  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Wow!  I've written a couple of anti-war songs, but hiding behind snark and anger.  Nothing ever this emotionally touching.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


your voice is not battling with the guitar they compliment each other perfectly this is beautiful lots of emotion thanks for translating
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Thanx for posting this beautiful song !!!

Touching indeed !!
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
iPad GarageBand

Oh well ........


Beautiful stuff Dade, this is very well recorded and sounds fantastic. or a quick effort, it sounds very well produced. You definitely understand how to use the MBR. The song is lovely and the vocals are excellent.

On a serious note, I recently read a very heavywieght study of Italy's involvement in WWI. The slaughter on the Italian front, particularly among the Italian troops, was almost unbelieveable, worse than on the Western Front in many ways. Yet Italy was led into the war which its people did not want by a small number of politicians and extreme nationalists (including artists and in particular the poet D'Annunzio). If the politicians that are supposed to lead us in more "enlightened" times actually read and understood any of this stuff they might be more cautious about starting wars. But sadly they don't. So songs like yours will at least help to express some of the feelings of ordinary people.

