Vinegar stroke blues

Started by Tony W, September 14, 2009, 07:21:33 PM

Tony W

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So, here is the scoop. I have been taking lessons from Mike for 10 weeks I think. At the beginning, I could not spell scale, let alone play one. The other day, I learned a new word which described my playing... "stilted". The first definition I looked up for that word wasn't exactly flattering

artificially formal or dignified; pompous

It's a good thing there are more than one online dictionary. As it turns out, I was playing a little stiff/rigid which makes complete sense. I was putting so much effort into not hitting bum notes that I forgot to have fun.

I decided to have a little fun with Mike, and send him the most rigid playing I could muster until the last 12 bars, then I cut loose and gave it all I had. I have never edited a song and fixed mistakes, I just keep playing it over until I get it right.

This is as right as it gets:

PS It gets much better in the end.

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OMG Tony Quit playing the stilted lover. LOL  You rock I dont' remember that backer where it quit and we had to do a solo.  You handled it magnificently. And you know what I always have bum notes in my posts to Mike. lOL  I admit I am in it for the fun.!!! As much as I can get. I was wondering when you were going to post again.  You got the turn arounds down. LOL  i am listening the second time and you got those breaks just superb.  You should be very proud.  I would be.  You are getting some awsesome runs and what ever you call those things in there!!!  A totally great job!!  Now you know you are out of the box and you have to post lots of stuff now.  How wonderful!!


 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  I am still smiling ear to ear for you!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Way to cut loose, Tony!! I keep telling you guys how I admire the way you can play for minutes at a time!

And the final minutes for you on this one were fantastic. Nice hammer-ons, bud!!

Keep it up!!

"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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Isn't MIke the greatest????  Look what he has done for STeviem , Myself and you TonyW.   I can't wait to hear the rest of the guys take off and fly!!


OOPs I think I hit the wrong smiley face or whatever. LOL  But you know if you piss him off, you will really play good. lOL MIke has a way of drawing the best from me anyway. And I believe you too!!


I just had another listen. I am still in AWE, You are kicking some serious butt here!!  Keep on kicking. LOL

Tony W

Mike will always hold a special place in my heart.

I don't think I've mentioned this in any other post, but Wiley, did you know I signed up for lessons when I heard your first blues post on this forum? I emailed Mike and asked if he took on beginners. He said yes, So I went out and bought my first electric guitar.  I was scared to death of failure. I never dreamed that I could do this in a lifetime, and here it is, 10 weeks into lessons. Of course for me that translates into 200 hours of practice, 3 sets of strings (I was on Am so long I trashed 2 sets lol) I'll choke myself before I ever play to the A cool blues backer again ;D

So many people have helped me on this journey. Tony J for giving me a soft nudge that sent me down this path. You wiley for boldly taking the first step. SteveM has been a great source of information, its like asking a senior classman to help out a freshman! Bluesberry has really been inspirational and full of good advice when I'm afraid I occupy too much of Mike's time. As of Late, I've been bouncing ideas off of Mark (launched) because it really helps to have somebody in the same timezone to lean on. Pinedog really helped with a few techniques to compensate for hearing loss.

So many people on here have been inspirational to me. Thank you all!

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The Reverend 48

Well Done T my Friend
Lets hope its the start of many excellent posts.....


Great post Tony.  This is full of feeling, I can just see you playing this, eyes closed, head back, wind blowing your hair slightly.  Groove man, way to go.  Great job.  The hard work is paying off.  Nice way to bring it up a notch or two for the epic finish, good pacing there.  You really get your fingers moving there.

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
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