Mixer for the BR

Started by upsetminded, September 10, 2009, 07:12:11 AM


Hey guys.  I'm thinking of getting a mixer but have a couple questions...

1. With the BR would I plug it to the line in, or the guitar in

2. I was looking at Behringer cause they are super cheap, have built in effects and phantom power.  Are they junk?  A lot of people say the sound isn't professional, but neither am I so all I want to know is quality build...I don't want to start fires or have it break down before I learn how to use it.

I'd rather be cool than be loved. - Courtney Taylor


You would use the line in to connect a mixer. I'm not sure who is knocking Behringer mixers, because it is one of the best products that they make. Their preamps are not bad, and they have phantom power, too.

If you have never owned a mixer before and just want to put 3 or 4 mic'ed sounds together, this is the best one to get(Unless you have lots of money):


It's cheap, easy to use and very quiet. It also sells well if you want to upgrade as it is one of the most popular value mixers on the market. I had a previous model/version with the same specs. Paid $79US for it and resold it on Amazon 3 years later for $50US.

The only thing it is not good for is for is complex home studio/DAW use - You need one with an aux bus or a USB interface for that.
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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My experience with behringer mixers dates a few years back but what stuck in my mind was the HISSSSSSSSSSS. Fortunately it was mostly on the headphone amp so the recordings were pretty clean (considering I recorded to compact cassette 4 track back then), but very very tiresome with long recording sessions -so all I can do really is warn you to really test it out at the store before buying.
But if you're looking for recommendations I would go for a Soundcraft mixer.
And I go for Sliders every time (main reason I have a BR600 instead of MBR).

Boss BR-600


Thanks guys for the quick feedback and advice.

Launched: That was the exact model I was looking at buying except with the added FX.  I'm glad you said that it is a good product.  A few reviews knock them but I was guessing it might be the same phenomenon I get when people say their guitar sucks and it is more the player than the instrument.

SDC:  Thanks for the advice.  I was hoping someone had hands-on experience with behringer.  I'm really new to mixers and recording by myself so I probably wouldn't even notice or mind any minor noise.  I would love a Soundcraft but that would be more down the road once I get an ear and some talent.

Thanks again
I'd rather be cool than be loved. - Courtney Taylor


I'm wondering why you want a mixer for the BR.

I can think of two reasons:

1. Recording live with multiple mics: a band practice, or a concert performance.

2. Recording a mic'd drum set with more than two mics.

Is it one of these, or another that I haven't thought of?

I initially didn't trust the built-in mic on the Micro BR, so I bought a nice condenser microphone which required phantom power.  I bought a preamp/compressor/EQ combo which had multiple benefits in addition to phantom power. But I haven't needed a mixer yet because neither of the two scenarios above apply to me.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


Hmmm...Multi mics, sometimes a keyboardist plays with me, I'd also like to use it without the BR live as well...Maybe, honestly a case of GAS.  Also, the effects on the behringer mixer makes my voice sound purty and at under 100 bucks it's cheaper than a mic preamp with FX (I think). 

How much is a preamp/compressor/EQ combo?  Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.  Keep in mind I only have Canadian Pesos to spend and they aren't worth much.

I also don't like any computer DAW stuff cause I'm dumb (and cheap) and like to hear stuff right away from a monitor...(I know you can monitor from a decent sound card but again I'm cheap and dumb)

....I think I'm trying too hard to justify a case of GAS maybe.
I don't know.
I'd rather be cool than be loved. - Courtney Taylor


Quote from: upsetminded on September 10, 2009, 11:19:28 AMHow much is a preamp/compressor/EQ combo? 


I also don't like any computer DAW stuff cause I'm dumb (and cheap) and like to hear stuff right away from a monitor...(I know you can monitor from a decent sound card but again I'm cheap and dumb)

I bought a joemeek 3Q on eBay for about $100 if I remember correctly.

I'm not trying to talk you out of it.  But I hardly ever use my 3Q or my fancy mic--not that they're gathering dust or anything.  I just expected to use them every time, but instead have learned that the Micro BR does 90% of everything I need without anything else in the signal chain.

I don't do any DAW stuff either--yet.  I've been meaning to crack GarageBand for about a year.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


I was getting ready to give a long winded post saying that you could make a multi-channel preamp work as well, but now that you have explained your situation I would go with that mixer - any accessories/adapters/cables you buy for it will work with a different preamp or better mixer if you are less than happy later.

I'm confident you will like it, though. The onboard effects seem like a cool option, too.

Plus, it's like the little bird I'm hearing (Cheep Cheep!!)

Quote from: Ted on September 10, 2009, 11:36:05 AMBut I hardly ever use my 3Q or my fancy mic--not that they're gathering dust or anything.  I just expected to use them every time, but instead have learned that the Micro BR does 90% of everything I need without anything else in the signal chain.

I don't do any DAW stuff either--yet.  I've been meaning to crack GarageBand for about a year.

Do I see another BR Purist in our midst, Ted? I haven't even used my wah pedal for a while (I yearn for it, though)
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Quote from: Ted on September 10, 2009, 11:36:05 AMI don't do any DAW stuff either--yet.  I've been meaning to crack GarageBand for about a year.

Ted, we had an exchange about Garageband at the beginning of the year.  I've been doing more with it so I could probably say a few different things now if you are still interested.  There's a lot that can be done moving backwards and forwards between Garageband and the MBR. Same as any DAW really.