Final edit Brain Fart!.....HELP!

Started by jmccull1, May 01, 2008, 08:13:05 AM


I have about 28 minutes of Open Stage performance that I would like to edit to include only the last 5 minutes. I erased everything in front of it, but there is still a blank data space. I KNOW that you can create a song with only the selected time/measures, but damned if I can remember how to do it!

I've bounced the selected region to T4-34, but the rest of the 'space' is still there. What I'd like to do is copy it and create it as its own song, or something like that. I'm trying to do it onboard, but maybe that's not possible? I can edit it in Audacity, but was hoping that you can on the MBR.

Any ideas would be great.



Mr. Scar

I think using the MEA button will allow you to move the bounced down tracks to the beginning of the recording session, eliminating the silent space.

-From the 'utility' menu, select TRK.
-Then select MOV
-Set the tracks you want to move.
Then, use to MEA button to select the measures you want as your song. Move them to measure 1.


You can also use Copy instead, which doesn't destroy the original content if you specify a different pair of v-tracks for the destination. As with Move, you'll want to specify Measure 1, Beat 1 for the "To" parameter. See pages 53-55 of the Micro BR manual.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Thanks, guys!

I knew that it would all make sense after posting the question, getting feedback, and drinking more coffee!

I will upload the resulting recording sometime soon.

Thanks again!
