Guitars - You Only Get What You Pay For.

Started by SteveB, August 16, 2009, 10:19:33 AM

The Reverend 48

I could rant on all day about this issue :D
As I type I'm looking at a Gibson Les Paul Standard worth around £1000+
and a Vintage brand Les Paul Gold Top worth around £100+
and you guessed it I would rather play the Gold Top.... :o

so what does that say about Costs and Brands ???
What bugs me is I feel guilty every time I play and why am I reluctant to sell the Les Paul?........I guess its the fact I can say I own one but how sad is that :'(


Quote from: 48 on September 01, 2009, 05:37:33 AM.I guess its the fact I can say I own one but how sad is that :'(
never met a paul i didnt like-(i've got 2)
i'm a sick man

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I think people get too caught up in the country of origin.
If I were to produce my own line of guitars, Id claim they were "made in Heaven".

But really, I dont understand, guitars are made by people for people...whats the big farggin deal?

And the thing that really gets me is where people place value...or how price is determined. Its not like there is anything on a modern guitar that is really considered exotic. Granted some woods are...but its not like the strings are spun from gold.
Im really beginning to appreciate the value of Fender vintage style tremolos. NOT! :-\

I understand about working conditions and such, but the video posted by the OP looks like a shop that you are I might have if we were to start our own guitar factory...just before our government moves in to shut us down for "regulations violations".

If I like a guitar, I buy it.
I dont really care who breaths in my guitars paint fumes...Im sure hes a happy camper anyways.

Saijinn Maas

I don't think most people's problem with it stems from the fact that something is made a particular place (well some may have a problem for that reason.. screw them then), but usually for the reason WHY it is made somewhere. Places like China are perceived to have less stringent Quality Control, and besides the cost of the labor, the reason most guitars from there are cheaper are in fact due to cheaper components.

Personally, I think it is pretty hit and miss... but that can said of anything made anywhere nowadays. It makes it pretty difficult to defend the high prices of "american made" guitars when there is very little to justify the exorbitant cost.

Ibanez JEM = $2500

Ibanez RG370DX = $400
Set of Dimarzio Evolution pick ups = $150
Upgrade electronics and jacks = $60
Total = $610

The only difference is that the 370dx doesn't have the "monkey grip", the vine inlays, or Mr. Vai's "name". But anyone would be hard pressed to hear or feel a noticeable, realistic, difference between the two. You essentially pay extra for the name and the perceived value.

Any guitar can be good. It all matters on how it feels to you and what you want out of it. And what you are willing to spend, if anything, to make it better.


I only have one rule when it comes to guitars. You NEVER sell your first guitar, EVER !!!!!

Other than that .... keep what sounds and feels good .... and the rest .... well ... f#"k it ...... dead weight !

rule #2. You can never have too many guitars, whatever rule no one says !!!
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Oh well ........

Saijinn Maas

Quote from: Geir on September 01, 2009, 02:58:23 PMI only have one rule when it comes to guitars. You NEVER sell your first guitar, EVER !!!!!

Other than that .... keep what sounds and feels good .... and the rest .... well ... f#"k it ...... dead weight !

rule #2. You can never have too many guitars, whatever rule no one says !!!

I'm actually rebuilding my first guitar. IT was MAko strat I got when I was 13. Well, actually I am "modifying" it... quite a bit. But I'll never get rid of it. ;)

My wife is just recently finding out about rule #2. With my recent purchase, my count is up to 6. Pretty reasonable I think. She thinks that if I like one, then why do I need the others...  ::)

My personal rule #3? Nothing is sacred! Any guitar I buy is open to disassembly and modification. If a guitar is too expensive to consider doing this, then it's not the guitar for me ;)


Bought my first guitar for a fiver, this one.....

Kept it for years, finally trashed it for a dare at a gig ... Wild Thing I think the song was, only thing that plank would do was fuzz .... and it went out of tune if you breathed on it. Body was about an inch thick, bendy neck, useless trem. For a long time I thought I would never learn to play, until the first time I played someone elses guitar and it actually sounded good :D

Wonder how many people these things put off?


Quote from: Geir on September 01, 2009, 02:58:23 PM.....  rule #2. You can never have too many guitars, whatever rule no one says !!!



I counted 27.  64guitars, do you have anything to say?
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