WOODSTOCK! White Rabbit (Punkadelic Version)

Started by Ferryman_1957, August 10, 2009, 06:43:28 PM


woodstock (banner image missing)

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To paraphrase a famous beer advert in the UK:

Punks didn't do Woodstock, but if they did they would probably sound like this.

Here's my version of White Rabbit which is based on the Damned version rather than the original. All recorded, mixed and mastered on the MBR. I used some new toys that I have acquired. The drums and simple keys were done on my wonderful Roland PMA-5 which I managed to win off e-Bay, and the wacky solos were done on my new Squier Jagmaster. I wanted a guitar with a tremolo so I could hit the guitar to make up for my inability to play the right notes at the right time, also this has humbuckers so it churns out a pretty mega sound. I also used my new Electro-Harmonix Micro Synth to create the backwards sounding guitar in the right hand channel.

It's a long time since I've posted any music, some of the newer folks must think all I do is comment.... The trouble is all I suffer from both AndyR syndrome and Bosko Schwarzitis in that I fiddle a lot, put too many effects on things and keep mixing and remixing. As usual I went over 40 tracks with all the submixes and faffing about. I have very little time for music, as work is so busy, hence my output is minimal.

Because of all this, and inspired by the Alice in Wonderland imagery, I've decided my new role model is the Mad Hatter, as I must be completely barking to do all this, hence the avatar change. He gave me a new catchphrase as well. Martin Short from the 1999 version is the ultimate Hatter.

Hope you like this - it's just a load of punk thrashing really, but that's what I do best!




I think you should do some more punk thrashing. I think it was great!!


Canadian beer Nigel.......... Ask 64!

But Fucking Hell Bro!

This is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Truely is the carling of Punk Woodstock!!!!!!!!!

This cant be all MBR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!

Holy Sh*t!!!!!!! Vox is great!

Like the avatar!!!

Twinkle Twinkle, This is Twisted and CooL!!!!!!


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Them drums sound brilliant, as does the mix, I have to cheat in a DAW to get so full a sound! Don't think I ever heard the Dammed do this, will have to hit Youtube. Great work, I wish you had time to post more, really enjoyed this :D


Thanks PJ and Tharek. PJ, there will definitely be more punk thrashing coming in the future, glad you like this!

Tharek, glad you liked the vox. My son was listening to an earlier mix and he made me redo them as they weren't up to scratch first time round. Glad he did, as they sound quite good now. I did use my Zoom and EH Micro Synth for the guitar sounds, but all the vocal effects, recording, mixing and mastering is MBR. This thing is so cool.

Now off to bed, Tharek, stop hanging with the vampires....




Man, that was Sweeeeeeeeeeet!! I step out for a little bit to do some grocery shopping, and I come back to this excellent number. Absolutely fantastic!

I love that drum module in the Roland - Have an excellent swing to them. And the bass line was awesome - I search for tone like that, and there's no way I can get it without buying a pedal. Might have to do something about that...

The guitar tracks work very well together and provide a great punky feel against the nasty bass. Am I hearing a little divebomb action? :D

I think the vocal work is fabulous - you put them in the mix perfectly. I keep rewinding this song as I type.

Way to manhandle that MBR, Nigel!! I am fully impressed.

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This is superb, Nigel!

Those toys have certainly been put to good use...please post more!! (when you can)

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Nigel you got me excited, what a cool idea-Punkadelic.  Or maybe Post-punkadelic?

This is one of my fav songs, good cover.
To be pleased with one's limits is a wretched state.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Thanks for the feedback all, it's so rare I actually post music I'm glad you like it!

@Steve, glad you like this, I thought you might as you've posted some great punky stuff. You'll enjoy the Damned White Rabbit on YouTube - there's a good video someone's made for it. I'm really pleased with the drums on this, they came out very punchy.

@Mark - yup, that Roland sound module is great for drums. Had to play with effects on teh Roland to get the sound right but they are awesome. And the PMA-5 is quite easy to program. Not bad for something from the mid 90s. Also, the bass sound came out well on this, it's the Zoom B2 again. I didn't even double track the bass, I was happy with this sound. One of those things that just came together. As for divebombs, I think the Jagmaster would fall apart if I tried a real one, but I love just using the whammy bar to create more noise.

@Davo and Cuth, glad you like it. I'll try to post more in future but I am a really slow worker.

Twinkle, twinkle everyone


PS Thanks 64G (or Pedro?) for adding this to the index. I was going to research how to do that this morning, now I don't have to!


I'm blown away by this. The original is one of my favourite songs, but this is an amazing (not to mention highly inspired) cover version that adds all sorts of original twists. You are definitely a perfectionist, but when I hear things like this, I can understand why (and hear where all the time and effort went). It's another of yours that has a professional sheen and polish in it's surface quality, but retains a proper punk attitude and edge at its heart. I like that combination a lot. I love the bits where it steps up a gear at the bridge / chorus (this isn't a normal structured song!). You get the tone and attitude in those fast chords that make me want to jump around, lol. Great whammy bar antics and playful sound clips too. I really can't fault it. But more importantly, I'll listen to this again and again, because it's brilliant.