Problem Exporting To MP3/WAV

Started by drutgat, August 09, 2009, 12:27:24 PM


I'm having problems using the MBR's export function, as explained on p. 112 of the manual.

I have used this function successfully before on several occasions. Now, however, I don't seem to be able to get back into 'Normal' mode properly.

Pressing 'Exit' and 'Utility' together does allow me to scroll between 'Bounce' and 'Mastering' modes as illustrated on p. 42 of the manual, but what I see in the version of 'Normal' mode that I get is a display which is slightly different from that shown on p. 42 of the manual where getting into 'Normal' mode is explained (on my MBR only the numbers for tracks 1 & 2 display in 'Normal' mode, rather than 1, 2,3,4 as displayed in the manual). If I ignore this and try to proceed by pressing TRK 2, as directed in p. 112 I get to 'REC', not to 'Export'.

I've just re-watched the excellent tutorial here on exporting, and I'm wondering if one has to go through 'Mastering' mode in order to export.

Also, I recorded a class which was very long ( 2 1/2 hours), so will this have to 'Master' in real-time?

Any help would be very much appreciated.



A faster way of exporting for your 2 hr program is to use the BR Wave Converter software.

Do a search in this forum for BRWC and you should be able to find some links to download it from.
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Quote from: cuthbert on August 09, 2009, 12:35:06 PMA faster way of exporting for your 2 hr program is to use the BR Wave Converter software.

Do a search in this forum for BRWC and you should be able to find some links to download it from.

Hi Cuthbert,
Thanks for this.

I had hoped not to have to get into using the software.

I guess that in future I should put the MBR directly into MP3 mode when recording such long classes.

Thanks, again,


Quote from: drutgat on August 09, 2009, 12:27:24 PMPressing 'Exit' and 'Utility' together does allow me to scroll between 'Bounce' and 'Mastering' modes as illustrated on p. 42 of the manual, but what I see in the version of 'Normal' mode that I get is a display which is slightly different from that shown on p. 42 of the manual where getting into 'Normal' mode is explained (on my MBR only the numbers for tracks 1 & 2 display in 'Normal' mode, rather than 1, 2,3,4 as displayed in the manual).

I don't have access to a Micro BR but, according to item 9 on page 15 of the Micro BR manual, the track numbers only show for tracks that contain recorded data. So, if only tracks 1 and 2 show on the display, it just means that you haven't recorded anything on 3 and 4 yet.

QuoteIf I ignore this and try to proceed by pressing TRK 2, as directed in p. 112 I get to 'REC', not to 'Export'.

Sounds like you're forgetting to press [UTILITY] and cursor right to the second page of Track Edit options to select EXP before pressing [TR2]. Carefully re-read steps 1 through 4 on page 112.

Usually, when the manual tells you to press one of the [TR] buttons, it's because it selects the corresponding function that's currently displayed directly above that button. For example, after you press the [UTILITY] button, the display should look like this:


The [TR1] button selects "SNG", [TR2] selects "TRK", [TR3] selects "UND", and [TR4] selects "INI".

Pressing [TR2] here will open the TRACK EDIT screen which looks like this:


Here, [TR1] = CPY, [TR2] = MOV, [TR3] = ERS, and [TR4] = XCH. The arrow at the top-right of the display indicates that there's another page of TRACK EDIT options which can be accessed by pressing the CURSOR ► button. The display will then change to:


So now, [TR1] selects IMP and [TR2] selects EXP. Since there's nothing displayed above [TR3] and [TR4], they will do nothing. If you press [TR2] from this screen, the Track Export screen will appear as shown in step 4 on page 112:

Export TR1-V1 

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