from the cradle to the grave music by lestg vox/lyrics by orh.

Started by Oldrottenhead, August 05, 2009, 02:06:37 PM


Again..... Not directed at you Mark.....

Just discussion.....

Quote from: launched on August 05, 2009, 03:57:46 PMI agree with much of what you say, but try to convince someone that dedicated 10-12 years of their life without sleep or social activity should be treated like a member of the Peace Corps. Volunteerism is just that - being a volunteer!

Not Volunteerism....


"Altruism" is a human trait that retreats into a man's innermost parts when a form of currency is waved in front of him.

Does that mean that people who have equally hard jobs should just stop what they are doing and practice on a mercenary basis, until they have a king's ransom.....?

There are plenty of people which work as hard as doctors do......

Quote from: launched on August 05, 2009, 03:57:46 PMI'm not suggesting that the best medical care should be reserved for the elite, I'm just saying that you should get what you pay for. If the taxpayers think it's worth the price to give it away to the public at large, then so be it. We just get a bigger tax bill...

Cliché as it may sound........ Can you put a price on a life.....

Consider it an act of charity......

I'm happy that My pound coin in tax may have saved someone's Life.......

Quote from: launched on August 05, 2009, 03:57:46 PMAlso, I understand "The Oath", but aside from that, a doctor is trained to only understand the mechanics of the human body, and the fiscal requirements to maintain it. I will take a pragmatic, emotionless doctor every time. I don't want them worrying about me. I want them to fix me. If I have to work off the bill for the rest of my life, at least I'm alive while doing it :D

To deal with Human life without appreciating Humanity is a sorry and dangerous state of being.

Quote from: launched on August 05, 2009, 03:57:46 PMThere are two sides to every coin - Let's make music instead!!

Shall we?  We have some lyrics from this............. ;D ;D
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Hi Greg

Sorry about Hijacking the thread.......

Wicked tune!!!!!!!

It's got My Click!!!!!
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy

Flash Harry

Arrrggghh!  NHS - Insurance - Gordon Brown -

Small boys cutting up frogs in the class room, then out in the park for a kick about with a ball.....

It's a beautiful game Ron....

It's a great track too guys. 

We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


this is a really good song-aside from the politics

a nhs is will be tough to implement- but in the long run would serve us all

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand


just an aside............ cuba a third world country has the best health care system in  the world, what i cant understand is that a country as affluent as the usa cant look after all of its people.
please note i am not a communist ragamuffin        tho i lean to the left,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i'm a pinko then,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that doesnt make me gay tho does it...................anyway that apart its not a song just about healthcare but you know that greg dont you?

its a get well card too........its also about doing what you have to for your nearest and dearest......... but ok in some places the state does that too............its a safety net, fuck the cost lopk out for your fellow beans................i have been drinking and possibly wont remember posting this, but as a vampire the free blood is fmgwabp braw. long live the nhs
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Quote from: oldrottenhead on August 05, 2009, 05:39:10 PMplease note i am not a communist ragamuffin        tho i lean to the left,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i'm a pinko then

I have been waiting Three months to use this picture......

Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR
OsCKilO websites:  MySpace  SoundClick  ReverbNation
OsCKilO Albums:  "Masks"  "Easy London"

Also on Twitter for Live stuff..
Divert and sublimate your anger and potentially virulent emotions to creative energy


That is still what i love about this site, we all come from different walks of life. Different perspectives, differing  opinions anad we all are aloud to have them.

I am the first to agree the USA needs a health care overhaul, however my only political view on it is this:

I don't like the government telling me, other than obvious laws of course, what to do, how I'm allowed to do it, and if the government approves of it. I watch ALL of the news channels...really you have to, they are all biased one way or the other. Then I look and do as much research as possible mostly from the internet and sort what is BS and what isn't. I and many other Veterans served to keep this country the USA not the USSA. Now Obama is not creating the USSA he is laying the ground work for it. So instead of doing the right thing and bringing on tort reform and capping lawsuits etc. (these are the things that drove health care up to beginwith) they want to compound the problem without solving the first one.

There are many different opinions. I for one don't like the way its all being done. For the record, George Bush was and idiot and his administration knew it and threw him under a bus. Politicians are all the same in my opinion, but now I feel the ground work for loss of liberty started with the patriot act and now Obama is really radical and wanting to crush more liberty.

I just let politics fall where they lay. I don't vote party, and more libretarian than anything.

Nevertheless, I still think it is great 1) that Jim could voice himself this way, I so wish I had the talent. 2.) We are all able to discuss this and it not be a conflict. God that would break my heart for outr personal differnces get in the way of something we all love so much doing.

Still great stuff Jim can't say it enough! :)

Saijinn Maas

If you read up about it, you'll find that Cuba is hardly the best heathcare in the world. They are considered the best in the latin americas based on superficial statistics that do not amount to much.

Here are a few things that are generally seen as problematic of Cuba's system.

"In its population statistics, the Cuban government has hidden for the past 49 years the fact that 2 million Cubans have emigrated or have died as a result of political executions, wars fought overseas, unsafe emigration and poor health care for adults (particularly for the elderly)".[23]
According to Katharine Hirschfeld, criticizing the government is a crime in Cuba, and penalties are severe.[82] She noted that "Formally eliciting critical narratives about health care would be viewed as a criminal act both for me as a researcher, and for people who spoke openly with me".[82] According to Hirschfeld the Cuban Ministry of Health (MINSAP) sets statistical targets that are viewed as production quotas. The most guarded is infant mortality rate. The doctor is pressured to abort the pregnancy whenever screening shows that quotas are in danger.[82] Once doctor decides to guard his quotas, patients have no right to refuse abortion.[82]
According to previous research about other socialist countries such as the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China, Marxist "revolutionary" efforts have included such practices as "deliberate manipulation of health statistics, aggressive political intrusion into health care, decision-making, criminalizing dissent, and other forms of authoritarian policing of the health sector designed to insure health changes reflect the (often utopian) predictions of Marxist theory".[82] These practices are well documented for the former Soviet Union and China.[82] Their existence was virtually unknown in the West during the Soviet era and Western social scientists cited favorable the health statistics supplied by the regimes in the USSR and China.[82] Social scientists did not look critically at the ways they were created and maintained by state power.[82]
Many Cubans complain about politics in medical treatment and health care decision-making. There is no right to privacy, patient's informed consent, or right to protest for malpractice. The patient has no right to refuse the treatment. As a result, the experience can be dehumanizing.[82] After spending nine months in Cuban clinics, Katherine Hirschfeld asserted in her paper "My increased awareness of Cuba's criminalization of dissent raised a very provocative question: to what extent is the favorable international image of the Cuban health care system maintained by the state's practice of suppressing dissent and covertly intimidating or imprisoning would-be critics?"

The difficulty in gaining access to certain medicines and treatments has led to healthcare playing an increasing role in Cuba's burgeoning black market economy, sometimes termed "sociolismo". According to former leading Cuban neurosurgeon and dissident Dr Hilda Molina, "The doctors in the hospitals are charging patients under the table for better or quicker service." Prices for out-of-surgery X-rays have been quoted at $50 to $60.[56] Such "under-the-table payments" reportedly date back to the 1970s, when Cubans used gifts and tips in order to get health benefits. The harsh economic downturn known as the "Special Period" in the 1990s aggravated these payments. The advent of the "dollar economy", a temporary legalization of the dollar which led some Cubans to receive dollars from their relatives outside of Cuba, meant that a class of Cubans were able to obtain medications and health services that would not be available to them otherwise.

Canadian newspaper National Post, based interviews of Cubans, finds that in reality even the most common pharmaceutical items, such as Aspirin and antibiotics are conspicuously absent or only available on the black market. Surgeons lack basic supplies and must re-use latex gloves. Patients must buy their own sutures on the black market and provide bedsheets and food for extended hospital stays. [13] The Cuban government blames the shortages on the embargo and states that those with more severe chronic diseases receive medicines. [14] However, other sources suggest that also those with such diseases lack medicines. It is also suggested that in some cases the local non-dollar stocks have been shipped abroad.

A recent ABC-TV 20/20 report on Healthcare, based on footage taken from within the island, criticized Michael Moore's portrayals of the Cuban Healthcare system. The report highlights the dilapidated conditions of some hospitals that are accessible to regular Cubans by pointing to the bleak conditions of hospital rooms and the filthy conditions of the facilities. The report also addressed the quality of care available to Cubans by arguing that patient neglect was a common phenomenon. Finally, in discussing the infant mortality rate, the report highlights the government's alleged efforts to promote abortions of potentially infirm fetuses and other alleged government efforts to manipulate the rate.

Personally, I think we needs less an overhaul to the actual Heathcare and need to take a look at the Insurance companies. They are ripping off both the patients AND the doctors.

Oh, but good song ;) great job on the vocals and the music is really good there LESTG ;)


Quoteanyway that apart its not a song just about healthcare but you know that greg dont you?

Jim absolutely, this song has many conatations to me and I understand it. You've known me for almost 2 years now from here. My emotion goes into my playing. Music to me is this, if I can hit only one note and raise a goose bump on someone, or I can give them the emotion I'm feeling at that single note, bend, squeal or what ever, then I have made music anf Jim my friend you know how to capture that. Many talented lyricists and musicians in here and I'm hoping some of than lyricla know how will rub off on me.

Won't say long live NHS but I will say long live Health Care reform :)

Oh and Osckilo, you actually got me laughing with your pic LMAO! Good Shit!
Cheers all!