Converting cassette tape to Mbr

Started by Facemask93, July 30, 2009, 05:04:12 PM


A female friend of mine gave me an old tape , of her singing original material some years back , she has since had throat trouble and we would like to take the songs off the tape and somehow put them on to the Mbr , maybe with the idea of adding some more guitar and or vox , any idea's would be a great help

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


  • Assuming that you have a decent quality stereo cassette player, connects its Line out jacks to the Micro BR's Line In using a suitable adapter cable.
  • Create a New Song on the BR (see page 38).
  • Select the LIN input on the Micro BR (page 39).
  • Play the tape and set the BR's Input Sensitivity so that the OVER indicator lights occasionally, then back off the sensitivity gradually until the OVER indicator no longer lights at all (page 39 - step 2).
  • Adjust the INPUT LEVEL control on the side of the Micro BR according to the "IN" level meter in the display (pages 39/40 - steps 4 and 5)
  • Stop the cassette player and rewind the tape to the beginning of the song.
  • Arm a pair of tracks (assuming the tape is stereo) on the BR (page 41).
  • Press the Record button on the BR to enter record standby.
  • Press Play on the cassette.
  • Press Play on the BR to begin recording.
  • Press Stop on the BR and the cassette when the song is finished.

That's it. You can now press [Stop] and [Rew] to zero the counter and play back the song, or record more tracks.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR
"All along the ancient wastes the thin reflections spin,
that gather all the times and tides at once we love within."
 - Roy Harper


64 You are the man YOu can always help all of us. You deserve a medal.