Help: How can I use drums for non 4/4 compositions?

Started by Olarte, April 16, 2008, 10:58:19 AM


I always thought a waltz was in 6/8 - you count 123-456 where the first emphasis on the "1" is greater than the second emphasis on the "4".


Waltzes are in 3/4 but the soul ballad, which has been an incredibly influential form since the early 1960s, exploited 6/8 time to marvellous effect.  It's hard to think of the early days of Atlantic Records without feeling 6/8 somewhere in the mix.  At the same time it's true to say that as the years go by pop music seems to be intent on getting rid of all uneven time divisions and sticking to a 4/4 without too much accent.  Maybe Boss are just being forward looking.