Dumb question for something simple.

Started by StevieM, July 20, 2009, 01:16:09 PM


Ok, this probably seems like a really dumb question to ask, but how do I record and save more than one thing at a time?

Up to now all I've been doing ( and needed to do) is put a backing track on one track, record my bit on another track, bounce them, then off to the PC. I'm going away on Thurs for the weekend and there may be more than one thing I want to record, at different times, and no PC.

See told you it's dumb, but I don't do manuals too well, 'specially having to flip from one page to another to get the complete picture. So can anyone tell me how to do it in very simple, easy language, all on one page. Words of 1 syllable or less??  ::) Pictures would be even better ;D.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


STM - How much musical hardware are you taking - A Full Orchestra?
If you're only taking an acoustic guitar, just make sure you have plenty of memory on your card. Always make sure you have a pen & paper to write down chord progressions as you are going to record them, then you'll have something to refer back to.
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR



All sorted now, thanks. Mike put me right when he phoned.
It's simple really, isn't it? Bit like me ::)
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


STM - Glad you got it sorted, and good luck with your vacation and recording. And NO STM, the dumb thing would have been to stay silent and Not learn. As I keep saying, No One is born being able to operate one of these machines, we've ALL got to learn, and THAT means asking the sort of questions that You did!! So well done.
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR



You are so lucky to be able to talk to Mike!! Next you need to meet him.   I don't now how big your country is .  But I know in the states it can be a long long ways between us. LOL forgot all my history from school!! LOL You need to do that STeveM  meet Mike in person.  It is something I will probably never get to do.  And you have the opportunity being there. GO FOR IT!!!


Wiley, you could dump this entire country into a state and lose it, apart from the inevitable increase in culture in the immediate vicinity  ;)

Ok........I'll shut up now  :)


Here you go PJ, quick geography lesson. The UK is 94,251sq miles, the USA is 3,794,083sq miles ( according to Wikipedia). Just a touch bigger than us ;)

Yep, it'd be good to meet up with him, it'd be good to meet with loads of others too, but small as it is here, it's still a fair way to go. It'd take about 6 hrs drive to get to Mike.

I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!