getting same effects settings back??

Started by StevieM, July 15, 2009, 03:48:47 PM


Quote from: Sprocket on July 16, 2009, 01:19:14 PMCan you remember which patch you started with?
If so it should be somewhat easy to trace your steps and get something damn close.
Im pretty sure this lil problem of yours is really going to help you building patches in the future, and I for one, am looking forward to trying some of your new patches please share? ;)

Again-----Errrrr-----Nope :-[.

I've learnt I won't do that again!!!!

And yep, I'll say what they are.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


You did start with a ready made patch and just tweeked it, right?
If so, just scroll through til you find something close...Im sure it will all come back once youre infront of it...I have several patches that I go back to time and time again, and there are ones I will almost never visit, except to say "blech!" and move on.
I think youll find it...and Id even bet you that the next one will sound better!
Give it a try, youll see...and your patches WILL improve, especially now that you are in the learning process.
Steve, Id suggest looking at this topic it has some very helpful tips, I highlighted the tips that REALLy helped me...hope it helps you too, in finding your tone.


Are you having any luck recreating this patch?
Have you learned how to save to the "user" patch section?


Quote from: Sprocket on July 17, 2009, 12:07:29 PMAre you having any luck recreating this patch?

Nope, gave up, found another one ;D

Quote from: Sprocket on July 17, 2009, 12:07:29 PMHave you learned how to save to the "user" patch section?

Again---Nope. Just not had the time yet, but I will.

Quote from: Sprocket on July 16, 2009, 01:37:35 PM...hope it helps you too, in finding your tone.

I'll be having a look at that topic soon as I can. Don't know if there'll ever by a 'my tone' 'cos I like to fiddle about with all types of styles, but there'll definitely be favourites---- and "Urgh---don't like that one" 's, but I might surprise myself. Mind you I'm always doing that, I creep up on me and go "BOO". Works every time :o

Thanks for your help on this one Sprocket.
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!


(in the effects section)Right next to the EDT button is the WRT(write) button...just click that and save where you are at, especially if youre diggin what youve created...and then save it to one of the banks of that really hideous patch, that youll never use....and then name it(NAM is right next to WRT). I like to save mine to the user section (U##) but you could save it to the song bank (S##)
Simple and easy! Hope this helps.