The News In Music (Spawns of Stephen)

Started by StephenM, December 18, 2024, 05:10:04 PM


Thanks everyone... this is crazy... I typed out the lyrics... I think my daughter got some of that vibe I got.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

the physics teacher

Very much apreciated Stephen those lyrics are the icing on the Christmas cake.
Merry Christmas to you and youre musical talented kin.

I do have an electric bass and guitar, i do have an acoustic guitar. I even have a keyboard and a Roland drum set What I seem to miss is skills. So to cure my at least 40y frustration I dicovered my instrument being my voice. So I finaly had the nerve to take singing lessons and make my voice heared thanks to Songcrafters.


This is literally the best! I've become addicted to this song. The way it builds. The vocals and the lyrics rule. The vibe. It's magical!
Boss BR-80


Attitude and theatre..full on business..

Enticingly draws you in and traps you...

like a black widow spider...

Love the delivery and attitude..

Grand post