I Shot the Sheriff - Eric Clapton cover 1974 Fest

Started by Pete C, September 08, 2024, 11:15:53 AM

Pete C

I Shot the Sheriff
1974Fest-2024 (banner image missing)

Been missing from the site for a while.. I lost my mum at the end of July and been busy taking my dad to see her every day while she was in hospital for most of July and then arranging the funeral afterwards and all the other things that need to be sorted out.

Life's getting back to normal now so I've had chance to record my version of I Shot the Sheriff, a single released by Eric Clapton in 1974, written by Bob Marley. Hope to be spending a bit more time on Songcrafters again.


Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800


Really sorry to hear about your loss. That's a really hard time, so much to do when you're really not in the best place for it.

Nice cover of (you guessed it) a song that was also on my list. Has a real live feel and captures the song well.
Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter


whew... that is alot to get through Peter... and I can only imagine how hard it has been... but it is real cool you got back here and ready to do this really cooooooolllll cover... love it... vibing man... big vibes.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Jean Pierre

Oh, Pete I'm so sorry to hear that, losing your mother is a real heartbreak, I've been there and I'm still scarred.

I hope to see (hear) you on SC more often now.

I love this song and your version is really good, very good.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


Very nice song one of my favorites my condolences on your mother lost mine last year
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away

kenny mac

Excellent guitar work there Pete.
It's great to see you back on here again  as I know it's been really tough for you lately.
Music has a way of healing some times.
Nice one.


Sorry to hear of the loss of your mother, Pete - losing a parent is very difficult.

Making music is a great way to help get you through the tough times. This is a great cover, and I hope you find some peace as you continue along your journey.
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition

Ray Brookes

Sorry to hear of your loss, Peter; always a terrible time when losing a parent.

A nice cover of this 1970's classic with cool vocal work
Ray Brookes

Farrell Jackson

A very good cover of EC's step into mixing Reggae with rock music. You did real good with this song Pete! Sorry to hear about your Mom, Pete.
Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?

the physics teacher

My condoleances Pete you did a nice rendition on this song.loved listening to it.
I do have an electric bass and guitar, i do have an acoustic guitar. I even have a keyboard and a Roland drum set What I seem to miss is skills. So to cure my at least 40y frustration I dicovered my instrument being my voice. So I finaly had the nerve to take singing lessons and make my voice heared thanks to Songcrafters.