Started by Jean Pierre, April 07, 2024, 11:27:30 AM

Jean Pierre

0"Daydream" is a song by American folk-rock band The Lovin' Spoonful. Written by John Sebastian, it was released as a single in February 1966.

I did it in 2015, after listening to Alex Groundy's beautiful version that he published on SC in 2012 (special tribute to our friend Alex)

In 2015 I used a lot of tracks from Band in a Box

In this version I use exclusively my own instruments
Ibanez folk guitar
Epiphone dobro guitar
Uke Bass
tambourine; harmonica and Kazoo
just drums with BIAB

as my video had sunk with the wreck of my you tube channel, I will remake a video tomorrow

Translated with (free version)
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo

the physics teacher

So difficult to express my enthousiasm.
Woehaha this is such a perfect cover in all aspects.👌
I do have an electric bass and guitar, i do have an acoustic guitar. I even have a keyboard and a Roland drum set What I seem to miss is skills. So to cure my at least 40y frustration I dicovered my instrument being my voice. So I finaly had the nerve to take singing lessons and make my voice heared thanks to Songcrafters.


A classic so well done great take brother
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


bien sûr, je le sais bien car j'avais une sœur (aujourd'hui décédée) qui avait 7 ans de plus et qui était une grande fan de ce groupe et de tant d'autres comme lui. Elle avait cette pile de 45 tours et j'adorais les entendre quand elle les jouait si souvent. De plus, elle s'est mariée à 16 ans et son petit ami qui est devenu son mari avait 5 ans de plus qu'elle et il aimait chanter et chantait si bien toutes ces chansons que nous nous promenions en voiture en les écoutant...

ah les souvenirs qu'une chanson peut évoquer ! Merci pour ce JP !

vous avez fait un travail fantastique sur cette couverture. Je pense que cela pourrait passer directement à la radio à la place de Spoonful et être très bien réalisé... excellent enregistrement et si bien interprété !

of course I know this well as I had a sister (now deceased) who was 7 years older and a huge fan of this band and so many others like it.  She had this stack of 45's and I loved hearing them when she played them so often.  Also she married at 16 and her boyfriend who became her husband was 5 years older than her and he loved to sing and sang all these songs so well as we rode around in the car listening to them...

ah the remembrances that a song can conjure up!  Thank you for that JP!

you did a fantastic job on this cover.  I think it could slide right onto the radio in the Spoonful's place and done very well... great recording and so well performed!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Throughly enjoyed this classic I'm going to take its advice and daydream all day  ;D
If Life is a dream then use your imagination