How to Move Finished Song Data to your Computer

Started by Ted, July 01, 2009, 12:00:31 PM


As we eventually discover, the Micro BR can only use 1 GB of an SD card, so it becomes important to have a system for moving data off of the device when we are done working on a song (and presumably don't just want to delete it).

This is actually how I move finished song data to my computer. There may be other and better ways, but this is how I do it.

This shows Windows XP, and Windows Explorer, but this could be applied to Finder on a Macintosh, or any computer OS with a graphic file manager.

Also: I understand that some people never use Windows Explorer, while others live by it. So these instructions a little dumbed-down for those in the former category.  No offense intended.

Click on any image to enlargerate it.


When I first connect the Micro BR to the computer, I am prompted by a dialog box asking me, "What do you want Windows to do?"

I choose "Open folder to view files using Windows Explorer" and click OK.


I descend down the folder tree, first by double clicking the ROLAND folder.


Then double-clicking the BRO folder.


And here are all of the folders containing the song data.

I click the big "Folders" button at the top to reveal the folder strucure in the "Explorer Bar."


I click the "+" icon next to My Documents and open up the folder tree to reveal the location where I save my Micro BR songs.


This is the location where I save my data for completed Micro BR songs.


In the left pane (a.k.a. the Explorer bar) I can see the destination folder.

In the right pane, I see the folder I want to move off of the Micro BR.


Optional: If I don't know what folder contains the song I want to move, I can start up BR Explorer to find out. The song number will match the name of the folder.

I determine that the song that I want to move to my computer is SONG0045, which is the folder named SONG0045.BRO.


I right-click on the folder I want to move and drag it over the destination folder.

When I release the mouse button, I get a menu with three options. I select "Move Here."


I wait until Windows moves the folder off the Micro BR.


And when Windows finishes, the song data is no longer on the Micro BR.

That's it!

And, of course, I backup the entire Micro BR as long as I'm connected.


Note: I also back up my files from the MP3 folder, but to a different folder on my computer. It's the same process except I drag individual files (instead of entire folders) when I right-click.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


Well done.

I believe one of you greyed out folder names was "Denise Milani."



Nice job Ted! We could use more posts like that in the Tutorials sections. It's so much easier to refer someone to an existing post than to write a lengthy reply each time the same question is asked. Maybe you could also explain how to restore a saved song to the Micro BR?

One thing you didn't mention is folder name conflicts. This is especially important when using multiple memory cards since each card starts with "SONG0000.BR0". So, you can end up with several different songs that have the same folder name. You need to rename these folders before you move them so that you don't overwrite an existing folder with the same name. And when you restore a song to the Micro BR, you should first make sure that there isn't already a folder with the same name.

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
     My Boss BR website

"When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion." - Robert M. Pirsig


Quote from: Blooby on July 01, 2009, 12:29:00 PMI believe one of you greyed out folder names was "Denise Milani."


Nope.  I had to look up Denise Milani.  I'm glad nobody was walking by my desk just then.

Quote from: 64Guitars on July 01, 2009, 12:48:08 PMOne thing you didn't mention is folder name conflicts. This is especially important when using multiple memory cards since each card starts with "SONG0000.BR0". So, you can end up with several different songs that have the same folder name. You need to rename these folders before you move them so that you don't overwrite an existing folder with the same name. And when you restore a song to the Micro BR, you should first make sure that there isn't already a folder with the same name.

Good point.  Since I mostly use the same card, I've never run into folder conflicts.

That should probably be another tutorial.  My intention here was to have a simplified set of instructions for first-timers who may never have offloaded any of their data because they aren't comfortable with Windows Explorer.
Boss Micro BR
GarageBand for Mac


Yeh, thanks Ted. I don't really have that problem, I transfer everything as I do it. Mainly 'cos I haven't worked out how to store more than one thing yet :-[

Denise Milani???????
I always say, if I can leave somebody happy and smiling at the end of the day-----I've completely f*cked up!!