Looking for clues (Robert Palmer)

Started by Pipes, February 12, 2024, 01:34:37 PM


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Always love this lively, quirky, awesome song..very clever tune from the late Robert Palmer.

Drum patch
11 vocal tracks..I think..

cheers folks


I didn't know RP had passed.  He was a smash sensation here in the early 80's with those videos with the mannequin like women...

I would like to do a cover of RP... like Bang A Gong... which obviously was a cover he did.

I don't know this song Nick but I like what you are doing here... the bass sounds amazing... and you singing to it..

your vocals are immense... you do some crazy harmonizing and man it is cool.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Pete C

Nearly missed this one as it doesn't appear on the latest song list (no MP3). Didn't recognise the song from the name but once it started I remember it well from the early 80's. Love how you can put something together so well with just bass and drums, but when you've got a voice as good as yours there's no need for instruments.

Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800


I'm familiar with the original. Probably from other source than most of you... I heard it in the Return of the Living Dead Part II soundtrack :D

There are no rotting corpses to be found here. Just a groovy performance where Pipes turns the original into his own.

This slaps hard! (as the kids might say).
Boss BR-80