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Started by mikespi8, June 29, 2009, 08:02:10 PM


Any one have a BR-1200?
I have a BR-864 for a few years now, but bought a BR-1200 whan my 864 went out. I fixed my Br-864, and from what I know now, I prefer the BR-864. I'm sure I will change my toon once I get more into the 1200, but the transition is not as easy as I thought.
I would like to try some of those real sounding drums....EX Drummer or addictive drums or whatever. I tried to burn a CD of some of these drums, but I would get a message that there were too many titles....because ot the branches off of the branches off of the branches. Maybe I will just take the grooves and fills that I need for one song and burn that to a disk.
I'm curios about those vocal features the 1200 talks about. My wife is singing a little again, and I hope to be able to play with those harmony tracks.


MK8 - Hello there. First of all, I'm a Newbie myself (Only been here a week), but this is the place to be for ALL things BR. I would suggest that this thread would be better placed in the General Discussion about the BR1200. From what I can see, there are few enough people have this machine anyway, and so keeping the threads together (Unless it's a specific tutorial about the 1200) would be a good move.
Begging your indulgence, MK8, I'll see if 64Gs is available to move the thread, and then I'll get back to the reply.   :)

MK8 - So here we are again, all moved and snug together in the right thread!!
I too started with the 864, and as I've posted elsewhere, it is an incredible little machine. I eventually traded mine in part-ex for the BR900, and I have to be honest and say that part of the reason was the changing the faders for tracks 5 - 8, in the end, the frustration was becoming a problem. Anyway, beyond that, I then indulged myself, worked a lot of overtime and purchased the BR1200. WOW, what a learning curve! From the 864 to the 900 was something of a jolt (Albeit a pleasurable one), but I think directly moving from the 864 to the 1200 really would take your breath away. I think we sometimes forget, that there must be a whole bunch of Designers/Engineers working to get these machines to market, and then, all of a sudden, it's just you with the big beast in front of you!
I've had my 1200 for a couple of years, and there are still some aspects of the machine I haven't even got around to investigating: The 'Scenes' function is one, the 'Harmony Vocal Map' is another. I think that unless you've done a Studio Engineering course at your local College, it's fair to say that there really is something of a learning curve with this machine. I would simply acknowledge that there's going to be the best part of a at least a year before you would probably feel comfortable with all aspects of the glorious machine you now have.

More later, and good luck.
Boss BR-1200
Cakewalk SONAR


Hi Mike...Bluesberry and i both own BR1200's and have a couple demo songs up. If you have tech questions, fire away. I have not explored all the options yet but and getting good results so far...especially when i am on the unit over the winter. Then you can actually maybe go through a session without digging out the manual  :o
Boss BR-1200


Well, I am trying to record a little jam, first time on the BR-1200. What a difference from the BR-864!
I wanted to do what I call a manuel double. I wanted to copy a track to another track, except I want it to be positioned timing wise just a slight bit behind the original track. I used to do this a lot with my BR-864. Then I would balance one track right, the other left. This gives me total volume control on both tracks.
Here's my question:
*How can I do this with the BR-1200?
I see how to copy a track, or move a track...BUT I don't have the option to just slightly delay the second track....I only see how to move it a full step.


I've heard alot of folks get great results with that Mike...but i have never done it. Maybe Bluesberry could tell ya...i also think i just read that Frank53 (BR900) just did that on a song. Perhaps it's the same proceedure. They'll post on this soon probably.
Boss BR-1200


Quote from: mikespi8 on July 19, 2009, 05:19:34 PMI wanted to do what I call a manuel double. I wanted to copy a track to another track, except I want it to be positioned timing wise just a slight bit behind the original track. I used to do this a lot with my BR-864. Then I would balance one track right, the other left. This gives me total volume control on both tracks.
Here's my question:
*How can I do this with the BR-1200?
I see how to copy a track, or move a track...BUT I don't have the option to just slightly delay the second track....I only see how to move it a full step.!!!!/msg39235/#msg39235

Zoom R20
Boss BR-864
Bitwig 8-Track
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