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Back Door Man

Started by Zoltan, December 19, 2023, 12:05:34 PM


Back Door Man
From the "no rehearsal sessions". More info to follow.

This part was added later:
Ok. The song is not my favourite and i'm not even that familiar with it. That being said it's the basic blues formula and i was playing around with that and suddenly i remembered this song.

I wasn't going to sing this at all, but i got inspired by one of Stephens "freak out" songs and thought i'd try to somehow glue this together. I really don't know how to do those yells and the first one i start the song with sounds more like Bruce Lee. I can imagine him breaking a chopstick of two while yelling like that.

The playing is horrid and if i'd known i would have left those "lead lines" out from it. It's just two guitar tracks sketching around. What i did like was the Fender Mustang tone. You can hear it doesn't have much sustain. Regardless of how it's being played. Some of those "lead lines" are trying to milk the sustain, but there just isn't much to begin with. With a humbucker pickup, or a different guitar the sound would be totally different. And this is one of the things that's so great about Mustang. It's a different vibe, different sound and for different uses. It can be limiting, but it can be a great and comfy songwriters tool. It's kinda pretty. Yeah, i'm a fan. Seemingly of my own guitar :D

Anyway what i'm saying is that this isn't much, but it's a love letter to that Mustang (the American Performer one, with pickups that aren't 100% Mustang, but closeish). Should you buy? If you're into Mustangs. Otherwise no. It's a different thang.

Also about back doors. Personally i think that some doors are best left as "exit only", your mileage may vary! :D
Boss BR-80


MAkes me to want to whip out the harp and play along this is my kind of blues very good brother love it
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away

Pete C

Smoking blues, shame the song didn't last longer as I could have done with a bit more length to it  ;)

I'll be making sure my back door's locked tonight !

Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800


Makes me want to whip

yeah and oh yeah...


ZZ top had a song called Back Door Love Affair... I think I missed it's actual meaning the thousand times before I heard it... now I get it...

I prefer the front door but ya gotta do what ya gotta do...

this is a great killer track bro
and 100 percent like ZZ Top... even the bass and drums... maybe the vocals are a bit more back "Doors"  than ZZ but that music is very much texas wildland music.
i might not need to go out after hearing this...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Farrell Jackson

Wow Zoltan this is great!!!!!! I've been waiting for you to do a Doors cover because I knew your voice was a Jim Morrison clone and I wasn't sound just like him! Rock on Zoltan Morrison!
Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

Yeah, nice work. Very tasty guitar and bluesy vocal.     Willie
Boss BR-800


If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Hell, this is good. You have captured that ominous Doors vibe while still making it your own. How did you get that guitar tone?



Love the way you sing "chicken" that's how to terrorize the townsfolk.....and yes, I love Mustangs also....different guitars make you play differently that's for sure....its the whole Les Paul vs Strat thing can slop around on a Les Paul and it sounds great....but on a Strat you have to be more precise with your playing or it doesn't sound good...the Strat makes you play better but the Less Paul makes you feel it more....or something like that........

I really like the Garage Door feeling to this......I can just picture a approach a house and hear this muffled song approach the garage door and swing it open to...and as the music pours out into the sky.....this solitary figure hunched over his Fender Mustang amp...playing his Fender Mustang guitar......wild eyed.....half crazed ...hooping and hollering like a man possessed...back door slowly close the door and walk quickly away down the driveway to the safety of your car and drive away.....

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand

T.C. Elliott

I read Stephen's comment and I gotta say I love the ZZ Top feel to this classic Doors track. (Mainly in the guitar tone.) I like the slow burn. I like your vocal, too. And if you were disparaging your own lead playing, those bits fit perfectly here. I should add this to my songcrafters playlist.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London