RIP Tim Bachman and Gordon Lightfoot

Started by Farrell Jackson, May 02, 2023, 07:59:05 AM


glad I clicked on this... I never knew a third Bachman started BTO... Of course I know Randy and Robbie but never heard of Tim...  anyway...

Gordon Lightfoot wrote some great songs... a favorite was Sundown...
and I grew to love The Canadian Railroad Trilogy... I thought The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald was an awesome song...really a compelling story...

anyway... these men will be missed.
Boss BR-1600
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I wore out "Sundown" for a couple of days after I lost my little brother several decades ago. In a Jeep Wagoneer, probably annoyed everyone around me but I didn't care. Don't know much about Tim Bachman but I saw Randy a few times over the years, he is an energetic life force. I can relate to his loss, better much later for sure.

Hats off...
"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
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