Bishmanrock - Ambient Signals

Started by Bishmanrock, November 21, 2022, 08:44:29 AM


Thank you SteveB! Funny that you should land on this one from my technical comments - this track and album were a conscious attempt to get away from the preceding albums that were very electronic instrument/VST heavy, so I went back and worked with a lot of session musicians and 'real' instruments to try and get a more real heart and earthy sound. That isn't to say electronic music isn't any good, and I'd more than happily return to that approach, but it was healthy to shake things up and do something different to keep myself challenged

The full album released in 2022, entitled The Part of You That Never Comes Back. If interested, you can listen to it on Spotify, YouTube, and whatever else other places music winds up in these days. I'm also happy to send the tracks to those people like me who still have a local music collection. There are a few rough parts I wish I could've done better, but that's always the case with releases, given the chance I'd find imperfections forever and never actually release anything.

I've had a few people mention Jethro Tull influences to me throughout the years! For this project I think my main influences were Thrice's The Alchemy Index Vol IV and Roger Waters' The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking



Tickles me inside!  I really enjoy the mix.  Theres lot of space but still interesting and driven.  The vocal lines are varied and fun.  The effects work for me all day.  I like the echoing sort of bell...clever.
The piano and bass really set this up...i mentioned other great things previous
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


what a fabulous progressive song and stunning production. i like those vocal harmonies