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fCuK iT!

Started by OsCKilO, June 15, 2009, 11:48:40 AM


very nice m8, takes me back to my old days of mosh pitting at the barras in glasgow, to peter and the test tube babies,lol

doc martens, and all.

plus free beer , not too shabby.


Very White Stripes, love that duuuurty guitar sound, you duuurty boys! The psychedelic bit is really cool, and as an ageing punk I loved this. You had great fun doing this and it comes across in the music. Great stuff.

Quote from: moggysan on June 15, 2009, 11:27:49 PMvery nice m8, takes me back to my old days of mosh pitting at the barras in glasgow, to peter and the test tube babies,lol

Goodness, Peter and the Test Tube Babies? A name from my youth, I was part of the Brighton scene from which P&TTTB, along with the likes of the Piranhas, emerged in the late 70s. They were always huge fun. If you want a blast from the Brighton past, go here:

It's a great site that lovingly documents the punk era in brighton. If you want a laugh, check out "The Exclusives" under the bands section and you will see and hear what I was up to in the late 70s.....




Flipping heck. Why haven't you sung before?! This is great. Dirty, scuzzy fuzz-rock. The guitar work is great, but YOU CAN SING! It feels more 'real' than the White Stripes to me. It's excellent. A whole new dimension. And as for the free beer... you must be on some kind of roll! I've never had so much as a half-price babycham, lol. Not that I'd drink it. Well I might - as a whisky chaser.


Ha this was great!. Another side to you. Good job!  I love the panning some of you are amazing at the way you manage to do that!!. AND what a sound on the guitar.


Just listened again on headphones - this is a KILLER! Such a great guitar sound, just love it and the crazy panning. And the vox are great as well. Love it, love it. From spaced out groovers to angry punks in less than ten pints of Guinness, very cool...........




I really liked this one.  It had Primus written all over it.  Is that rakey sound guitar?  The sparse instrumentation and repeating fuzz melody work really well, and of course, "Hey! Where's my solo?" is top-notch.


Flash Harry

I had to download this one. It's incredible. Brilliant stuff guys. Its f'ing Ace.
I am really impressed by the way that you switch styles so easily and so convincingly. Alice Cooper/Iggie Pop/wild man of rock out of the blue! It's very very good.

Worth another 10 pints of Guinness I'd say.

In the PiePod for sure.
We are here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anybody tell you any different
- Kurt Vonnegut.


This is a killer track!!! Loved it!!!!  Great panning and just a killer track!!!

The title fits perfectly.

Now on SoundClick and Reverbnation
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Ditto to all!
This is going straight to my mp3 player.
I love the panning it is way cool!

nothing is real... So theres nothing to get hung about!


Nothing subtle there, T. LOL! Pure chaotic, distorted energy. That was a fun ride. I'll have to have a Guinness, myself. Good work!
There are only three kinds of drummers. Those who can count, and those who can't.