Recording with MP3?? How?

Started by psychmusic, June 12, 2009, 11:03:54 AM


Greentings again friends. I have a quick question. I recently found a site with free dowloadable mp3 back tracks. I transfered it to the mp3 part of my microbr. Now, I want to record over it and add some can i transfer that and make that happen? Thanks for any and all help.


Saijinn Maas

Hey there ;)

Make sure you select a new song to record.
1. Press UTILITY
2. Press [tr2] TRK
3. Press Cursor right (>)
4. Press [tr1] IMP (Import)
5. Select the MP3 you wish to import (value -/+)
6. Press [tr4] NEXT
7. Select which track you wish to import the MP3 too...
8. Press [tr1] TIM (Time)
9. Select the starting point you wish the MP3 to begin at (If transferring straight, I usually leave it at 00:00:00-00.0
10. Import OK? Press [tr4] YES

I think I got that right. Didn't have my MBR in front of me, so someone correct me if I am wrong.

Hope this helps