All My Lines Were Broken

Started by The Gobi Desert Canoe Club, September 05, 2021, 09:42:57 AM


A great number Willie, thoroughly enjoyed this one. Yes I can kinda see the slight Springsteen comparision, but it in all honesty you give it a whole lot more oomph with those guitars which is what Springsteens music lacks for me. Cracking song.

iPad GarageBand


Willie, your stuff has a "well seasoned" sound to it, especially in the lyrics and vocals. Your style is a refreshing reminder of some time in the past when things were simpler and more enjoyable.

 :) John B


Sounds pretty good to me Willie. A slightly heavier feel with some nice gritty guitar sounds, loved the lead work and as usual great vocals and harmonies. Sounds like those sisters had some interesting habits.....????


Nothing rough about this one! Great lyrics here, reminds me most of Tom Petty, I love irony in the chorus. Great folk rock riff and a bang on guitar outro.