"Summer Brings The Lightning Out"a Hook originbal for SummerFest

Started by Hook, August 19, 2021, 08:40:21 AM


Summer Brings The Lightning Out
Summer2021 (banner image missing)

Managed to get one in for the fest. Been working on this one for almost a month now, I think it turned out ok. Did a lot on this one, uke, guitar, bass all real, drums are from GarageBand & DrumJam. Vocals, I used a AKG D5 I found laying around, I dig it.

1 clean main uke (stereo)
1 drums(stereo)
1 aux percussion(stereo)
1 heavily distorted bass(stereo)
1 guitar solos (used same track, different effects) sterero
I rythm guitar
1 heavy distorted/swirly) uke
1 uke solo (duals w/guitar at last solo thru end) stereo
1 lead vocal (stereo)
2 counter vocals(left/right) each mono

Summer Brings The Lightning Out
written & performed by Hook
Summer brings the lightning out
it spreads across the sky
Like fingers of a hand reaching for the Stars
Forking out like a river
It runs straith through the clouds
and I wonder if the path
was already there

Summer brings the Lightning Out
and the lightning shows the pain
of the heavens
 the Battle of the Gods
 the attempt to stay relevant
 Among Us disenchanted sods
 similar to Tinkerbell
if you don't believe
 the lightning will also cease to believe

Summer brings the Lightning Out
and the lightning puts on a show
against the backdrop of the night sky
 lit by gentle Starlight glow
 the violent display is relentless
 the movements are
graceful and Limitless

They caress the clouds
Accented by the sound of thunder
 captivating us
 in it's Wonder

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Nice summer tune I get up at the crack of dawn to let all the animals out to pasture this morning two cloud banks over the field flashing lightning drank my coffee and watched the show for a half hour only in the summer doe this happen, Loved the verses
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


Geez, you have the kitchen sink in this. And here, I wasn't even aware that Prog Uke was a genre. Lots of details to mine in here.

I am super-intrigued with the lyrics below.


the Battle of the Gods
the attempt to stay relevant
among Us disenchanted sods
similar to Tinkerbell
if you don't believe
the lightning will also cease to believe


Great music, from a Great musician..
This is so good Hook, well done...

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...



A lot good stuff going on here Hook. A bit of Edge vibe going on. Nice work

Boss BR-600
Boss Micro BR
Cakewalk SONAR
iPad GarageBand


impressive stuff....I love songs about Lightning...there are actually many of them

love your effected distorted uke...killer

interesting backer vocals....almost sounds like some one else.

this is almost like a worship song of some sort...such passion in your voice

lighning also purifies the air...like a giant bug zapper that cleans dust etc...it is so powerful...probably why there are so many songs about it
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Very deep indeed, loving those lyrics, some really intriguing lines in there. Great soundscape, I love all the swirly effects and it's incredibly atmospheric. A lot going on but it never gets out of control, love what you did with this. I loved the ending as well. A great fest entry.


Loving the lyrics... some great lines and ideas in there. The music lifts those lyrics too to that otherworldy place. Intriguing song, kind of like a controlled chaos put to song. Brilliant work.

iPad GarageBand