The blonde haired girl (with thetworegs)

Started by DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee, August 15, 2021, 08:04:55 AM

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

blonde haired girl. edit august 15th mix 1
This is an updated version of the original piano tune i posted on the collaborations page and Trevor added some cool lyrics, which gave it a bit of a sinister feel. So i decided to add some strings, and some hybrid orchestral instruments mixed with a synth patch. Added some fender bass ( played on keyboard) and gave Trevor's vocals some echo fx. 
Thanks for listening.

 NOTE: I just realised Trevor called his version " lost little girl" could have sworn it was the blonde haired girl. Oh well, I decided to keep it as is anyway.

I want to dance with the blonde hair girl
Hold hands with the blonde haired girl
Watch her Blonde hair blowing in the breeze
A smile
Capture that frozen memory, for tomorrow
She's lost
so alone
She's lost she's so alone
My heart bleeds for her sorrow
My heart bleeds for her sorrow
She's such a lost little girl

We see her but she doesn't notice us
She sits by the window staring out on the big blue bus
the clouds grey the rain does fall

The raindrops hit the floor its a free for all
Its the  dance for the bereft
the clouds break, the sun does smile
Her blue eyes awake
 Tomorrow is another
 Tomorrow is far away
My heart bleeds for her sorrow
My heart bleeds for her sorrow
I love her  from faraway

I want to dance with blonde haired girl
Hold hands with the blonde haired girl
Watch her Blonde hair blow in the breeze
Try Capture her as a  frozen memory,
She's lost she's so alone
She's lost she's so alone
My heart bleeds for her sorrow
My heart bleeds for her sorrow
Inside she's such a lost little girl
Inside she's such a lost little girl
I want to dance with blonde haired girl
But she's such a lost little girl

I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Geez, the tunes I am clicking on today are all so wonderfully vibey. You have captured something here. If possible, could you post the lyrics?


DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

Thanks blooby, I have now posted the lyrics. Thanks.
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.

Ray Brookes

Dark and sinister is what comes to mind when I first listen to this great track. Excellent musically, vocally and lyrically. If I was the blonde-haired girl I'd run for my life LOL
Ray Brookes


heard this in the car a few times today...sounds like a TV show or movie track...this one hits me in the heart...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...

kenny mac

Sinister and atmospheric.
This would work in something like the phantom of the opera.
Cool collab guys,nice one.


Damn, this is heavy and moody. Such clouds of sorrow and darkness hangs over this. I get Stephens movie soundtrack reference... or a Netflix series with the credits rolling. Super stuff.

iPad GarageBand


Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely


Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand