Spirit Of The Song

Started by Ray Brookes, August 14, 2021, 02:16:37 PM

Ray Brookes

the spirit of the song
When you're living below the poverty line
That's been drawn in the sand of a politician's private beach
And the winds of disillusion have finally blown
All those dreams way far beyond your reach
Hear the people from the fields singing gospel 
Voices so clear and so strong
Stand there and listen; don't say anything
Take solace in the spirit of the song

When you're nail-gunned to the bottom rung
Of a social ladder and can't climb higher
Pinned down in your own existence
By your lover's so called friendly fire.
Hear the people from the waterfront singing soul
And you feel like you want to sing along
Stand there and listen; don't say anything
Take solace in the spirit of the song

Hear the people from the mountains singing bluegrass
Singing lines in Appalachian tongue
Stand there and listen; don't say anything
Take solace in the spirit of the song
Ray Brookes


Yes a great composition, the arrangement is top drawer, just lots to listen to, well done  enjoyed  it  lots!
Boss BR-80


Laid back and very cool performance.
A brilliantly soulful lyric and outstanding overall production. pro stuff

Boss BR-600


Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Quote from: StephenM on August 14, 2021, 05:59:58 PMstunningly gorgeous

Yep, what Stephen said. Beautiful, the spirit of the song is the standout here. I was totally drawn in and could feel the pain and truth flowing out of the headphones. Damn fine lyrics too.

iPad GarageBand


Epic piece of music. With lyrics like "When you're nail-gunned to the bottom rung of a social ladder.." to say you have a way with words is a total understatement! Very moving and relatable message plus fine musical composition as well. Didn't even notice the length til it finished and I never lost interest. (that's saying a lot since I have a short attention span...) Well done!
Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure


Ray, you're one of my favorites.  Every tune is a new surprise with something different but uniquely Ray Brookes.  Don't know how you do it.  You're truly gifted, man.

 :) John B


I really like the atmosphere you create at the start of this one with those lovely pads and keys, and some nice cymbal sounds. It builds subtly but cleverly, I really like the way the drums come in and they sound really nicely tight and punchy. The lyrics and vocals are excellent, what a thoughtful and poignant set of lyrics. Really well done all round, another very classy song.

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

A really beautiful song Ray, and your lyrics are great, always so well written and usually thought provoking. I like the style, great music all round. And of course vocals.
You really should be a famous musician mate. Such a talent and always a treat to hear your songs.
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Beautiful song with lyrics that carry a real weight! There's a soundtrack type of quality to the backing, and i could easily see this playing when the movie credits were playing. The vocal performance makes it easy to really get into the lyrics. The synth sounds, piano etc. are all immaculately done. 
It's tracks like these that make Songcrafters so addictive. So many people with original visions and personal songwriting styles.
Boss BR-80