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Old Sayings

Started by hardlock, July 20, 2021, 04:02:43 PM


Found this oldie I wrote in 2013 - I was absent from Songcrafters from 2012-2020 so have a lot of catch-up to do?

Old Sayings (c) 2013 Ken J Hill
The early bird may get the worm
but a worm that's early is gonna squirm

Another day, another dollar
Can't take no more, I'm about to holler

Here today and gone tomorrow
So is there a point or only sorrow

A penny saved, is a penny earned
Okay son now what have we learned
Birds of a feather may flock together
but if one mind may be there forever

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
Kill 2 birds with 1 stone & you'll get mush

Don't judge a book by it's cover
but not enough time for all to discover

You can't see the forest through all the trees
Now hopelessly lost come find me please

Anyway, was asked about my V-drums and found this vid I made of playing this song idea when I first got them and experimenting with rim patch assignments.

Only vid I've taken but did finish the song above later complete with the drum solo.

Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure


love this one Ken.... i love the cliche lines...some new ones for me too...

great groove...super...and great playing...hard to believe you were such a new guitar player...and man you play great...incredible this one...oh yeah...the drum solo rocks...

the video shows just how good a player you are...excellent stuff...and those drums sound great
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Ray Brookes

First of all, this is a cool song, Ken and I like how you string together those sayings. Nice production too with nice playing.

Now, I watched the vid and those V-drums sound great! I'm particularly impressed with that snare sound but the whole kit sounds great to me. Once I was in a band where the drummer had one of these V-kits and the bloody thing sounded terrible like he was banging on saucepan lids and the kick drum sounded like a donkey farting. He was forever dicking around with the on-board mixer trying to pull a decent sound out of the damn thing.

You have a great style of playing too if I may say so and keep a nice groove flowing throughout all the fills, rolls etc. Even when you dropped the stick at around 3:35 you didn't miss a beat LOL
Ray Brookes


I haven't heard the song yet as I'm in my phone but how lovely to see you play the drums!
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


This is really cool.   I like the idea of taking things people are familiar with (the folk sayings mashup concept) and making something new is "oddly satisfying" as they say on Reddit.

Kind of the way popping bubble wrap is oddly satisfying.

Nicely done.
Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


A cool laid back groove with some lovely guitar work but I was most impressed by watching you play drums. Very assured playing there and the V-drums sound pretty good to me. Great stuff Ken, glad you shared this one with us.

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

Bloody hell those drums are so realistic, and your playing skills are amazing ken. Brilliant video. No wonder you dropped the stick, your hands are like greased lighting :)
Id love a set of those v- drums to mess around on. But I'd be crap I think lol.

I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Wow, thanks so much to everyone for the great comments! They really do make it worth the effort. I love this stuff!
Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure

Excellent laid back song played to perfection, top class piece of work.    Willie
Boss BR-800


Quote from: DarrenG on July 22, 2021, 04:37:28 AMBloody hell those drums are so realistic, and your playing skills are amazing ken. Brilliant video. No wonder you dropped the stick, your hands are like greased lighting :)
Id love a set of those v- drums to mess around on. But I'd be crap I think lol.


so what?  you would get better with practice... and it would absolutely enhance your song writing....even if you don't actually use your drum tracks on the songs... you can get a set of Alesis Nitro for around 400....I have never regretted getting mine... I don't play that great but it's a blast and I am getting better...not every drummer has to play the same way...same as guitar and bass etc.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner