Bar Band Ear Candy

Started by StephenM, June 28, 2021, 10:12:24 PM


LANDR-Bar Band Ear Candy 2-Balanced-Medium (1)
More musical and lyrical fun and non sense... it's like a year ago i had to struggle so hard to even think of writing a song with lyrics...and now I just unleash whatever flows to the music... and to be fair and honest it's really because of the encouragement I have received from so many on this site.  Some of you may regret that you've ever commented or listened to my stuff (ha) because yes, it has inspired me.  I am sure that I also have been to others as well.  I suppose that I always felt that if I could find just one person who loved my music that would be good enough and I know quite a few here actually at least like my music so I really want to say thanks a ton to each of you. 
And honestly I love your music too... I never ever make up stuff to say about anyone's music...that would be kind of like faking an orgasm...

so this is an adventure that I did over 3 months ago that could still turn into a collab but I also like this one as is... I did a bunch of trickery moving vocal parts here, there and everywhere in band lab...
Sensitizing, sanctifying, beautifying, inner sanctum.  Aural Soundtastic, soundtastic.  mesmerizing.. 

Stand back aural attack, attack, I protest, stand back aural attack attack , I protest.

Ear candy is aural dandy, ear candy is aural dandy.  ear candy is aural dandy. 

Ear candy is aural dandy, ear candy is aural dandy.  ear candy is aural dandy.

Difiant guitars.  defiant guitars, and bass room bars.  The drums are pounding, pounding.  Back beat resounding.  We got it, we got it, we gotta move aside and let the music .  Pounding, pounding.  Here's the tune, as they groove you blah, blah, blah, blah. 

Ear candy, like cousin Sandy.  Ear candy, like cousin Sandy.  Itchin Andy.  Ear candy, like cousin Sandy.

Itchin m and m...m and m. mmmmmmmm.  Stand back aural , aural attack, attack.  I protest. 

Bar band, really loud, to satisfy the deaf, the deaf and drunk crowd.  Bar band, really loud, to satisfy the deaf, the deaf and drunk crowd. 

Yeah it's loud, yeah it's proud, it's bold, it's told.  It's achieve, it's believe.  Let go.  Hold on.  Let go, hold on.  Defiant guitars, mesmerizing.  defiant guitars.  Mesmerizing.  Ear Candy, ear candy, mesmerizing, pounding, pounding.  Defiant guitars, pounding, pounding.  Ear candy, it's just howling at the tune.  Ear Candy
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


You certainly have inspired me Steve :). Every single one of your songs is like a deep trance of groove that I'd love to make but can never pull off, never change man. The lyrics on here are out of this world and the slashing guitars work so well. This song is certified EAR CANDY.


Loving this, it's got a real psychedelic/garage rock feel to it, those guitars sound awesome and it really rocks along with huge energy. I can't quite make out all the lyrics, but they sound like fun..... The recording is really nice and punchy as well, the whole thing has a great feel to it.


Quote from: Ferryman on June 29, 2021, 03:04:56 AMLoving this, it's got a real psychedelic/garage rock feel to it, those guitars sound awesome and it really rocks along with huge energy. I can't quite make out all the lyrics, but they sound like fun..... The recording is really nice and punchy as well, the whole thing has a great feel to it.

I'll try to post lyrics tonight... I kind of have to write them

the one word is aural...vice oral...they sound alike.
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Spectacular brother. Rocking groove, fun vocal panning/.trickery, rocking bass,, inadvertent whistling ...whats not to love.
Rock on!

Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Because the Hook brings you back
I ain't tellin' you no lie
The hook brings you back
On that you can rely

Farrell Jackson

Great work on this Stephen. I like the punch that you're getting from the bass and crunchy rhythm guitar. The vocals and lyric add a fun element to the song but I'm not quite catching all of the lyric. Well done!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


I think this is just perfect the way it is.

You inspire us too Stephen.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


brill song steve love how you put your songs together . top marks ....cheers tony cee
Zoom HD16

Ray Brookes

Nicely produced song, Stephen. Such a cool psychedelic vibe; imagining swirling paisley patterns on a wall during an acid trip. 
Ray Brookes


Interesting.  It goes from somewhat structured to avant gard, then to somewhat fancy then back to "whatever turns you on".

The title describes it best.

 :) John B