Bar Band Ear Candy

Started by StephenM, June 28, 2021, 10:12:24 PM


"More musical and lyrical fun and non sense... " sounds like making music for the fun and the love of it and that's what it's all about brother.
This sounds like you had a ball making it.
Ear candy indeed
Boss BR-600


I dig it! Pure fun and your way to personal freedoms come out on this one.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


WOW!!!!!!! JUST WOW!!!!!

This shot me straight back to the 80's (The good part..... Iggy and the stooges...etc) New wave with undertones of punk but with that Velvet Underground vibe if you close your eyes you can almost see Lou Reed.

Big respect such a brave track and you have really let yourself go here and I'm more than happy to follow you :)

OUTSTANDING WRITING AND PRODUCING... I'm disappearing down that rabbit hole now


Very psychedelic. Captain Beefheart or a heavier Jefferson Airplane. It seems crazy / off-kilter at first, but it locks into a really solid groove. Love the scuzzy guitar tone, and the drums are excellent (as expected). That's some really tasty bass too. Nice whistling on the outro too. Big thumbs up!


Cool song, and I like a lot the 'everything that flows with the music' attitude. Great one!


It is like a musical assault, but in a very good way. It is full on from the word go and you throw a lot of ideas in there. In a way you are a bit like a painter, not afraid to try colours and ideas. I think fear would prevent me trying something like this sadly.

Some crazy but cool stuff happening here, very psychadelic indeed. I am getting a faint echo of Hawkwind in here (a band I love), with that repeating crunchy riffing underpinning the whole thing. Cool!

iPad GarageBand