9 to 5 (Poly and Storm)

Started by Hilary, June 26, 2021, 08:33:48 AM


9 to 5
Well I was going to save this for next month's fester but having listened to it back, maybe not.

Firstly apologies to all you fine, fine musicians out there.

Definately 4 tracks, possibly 5??

1 - fake fake nails - comb and hairbrush
2 - cheap ubass (it was all Storm not me on this one) funked up
3 - uke - fuzzed up
4 - vocal

I think Poly might be missing The Screaming O's but there's always Stormie.

I improvised the ending but only did it once  :)


PS: Storm is Poly's parrot.

PPS: Someone once told me I couldn't sing country - I bet they are crying in their beer now eh!

Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça


Great job, Pol'. Some might use the irreverent but for me this is what the song always lacked.



Overdrive - Distortion - Hyperactivity
Yesterdays shatter, tomorrows don't matter


I'm crying laughing, tears falling into my wine.  That is what I would call a heavy, and a not too "upper-crust", British accent!  ;D
But it fits the topic of the song!
Zoom R24
Boss Micro BR


well now Poly, I bloody love it....

Poly want a cracker?  or wait I mean... Storm want a cracker?

this rocks and it has the cool stand up bass guitar sound...and the fuzz guitar... very cool...comb and hairbrush?  clever and creative!

major points for inventiveness and that crazy great singing too... thanks for rescuing an otherwise lousy song..(JMO)
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Brilliant! I am afraid I did laugh out loud at this, it's such a brilliant off the wall version. And I love the sounds and instrumentation, that fuzz uke sounds fantastic and Storm should be so proud of the bass. And the vocals are up there with Poly's best, I really loved the na na nas.

It's simply marvellous  ;)

Greeny (No longer active)

Inspired, theatrical and heaps of fun. Amazingly done - that DIY percussion alone is awesome. Works so good! p.s. there was a great documentary about Ms Styrene on SkyArts recently. A very interesting and groundbreaking lady who deserves way more recognition.

Brilliant stuff!


Okay. Now i found my jam!

It ain't gonna get better than this :D
Boss BR-80


damn right..

I would have been a lot bigger fan of Dolly Parton's music (was a fan of other attributes she had) if she had played like this.

need some more of this Hilary!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

the physics teacher

I do have an electric bass and guitar, i do have an acoustic guitar. I even have a keyboard and a Roland drum set What I seem to miss is skills. So to cure my at least 40y frustration I dicovered my instrument being my voice. So I finaly had the nerve to take singing lessons and make my voice heared thanks to Songcrafters.


Well now I have started my day with a smile and laugh love it
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away