Las Bardenas Reales a composition with episodes EPISODE 3

Started by Jean Pierre, April 28, 2021, 09:17:26 AM

Jean Pierre

I innovate (maybe)
I propose you an original composition (not that much!)
with in the following messages the making off of this composition in several complementary messages

- the sound effects of the wind and the windmill
- my sources of inspiration and quotations
- Las Bardenas Reales ?
- an example with the song "we want legends
- the small video clip
yes with the complete confinement at home..I have time   ;) :( :) :(

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo

Jean Pierre

I removed an annoying snoring noise
I added some guitar riffs in DADGAD

Listening again it's a bit heavy, disturbing, well it will be better with the pictures  :D
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


Very cool pysch ambient composition. Sounds like something right out of West Germany circa 1972. The strange but intriguing tapping riff throughout really glues things together, love those atmospheric strings as well.

Jean Pierre

thank you BerryPatch,..and especially for you the first episode of my making off
What is Las Bardanes Reales,? it's a desert region in the north of Spain, more precisely south of Pamplona

A lot of movies and commercials have been shot in this region, and notably the 6th season of Games of Thrones, but contrary to what we often see written none of them  (all shot in the south of Spain, region of Almeria)
So here is the little clip that illustrates my compo Las Bardenas Reales

See you in the next episode : the sound effects of the wind and the wind turbine

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


Looks like a beautiful spot JP. Im not totally sure but it looks like a place I've seen before. Very cool, especially with that big rock structure there. I'd love to visit Spain one day.


I like the idea that you are "composing" JP.....  this reminds me of the introduction to a song called "Xanadu" by the Canadian rock trio Rush.... I was going to post the you tube link but my internet connection is so bad right now I can't load I will try later...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Jean Pierre

thank you Stephen,

Il est tant pour moi d'aborder le 1er tiret de mon making off
Quote- the sound effects of the wind and the windmill
for the wind turbine, it's the two little high notes that the wind turbine makes in the introduction scene of Once upon a time in the west
and that I reproduced with the Lap steel
it comes back all along the piece in a "heady" way

For the wind sound I took this from an excellent video of film sound effects "à l'ancienne" "

Rendez vous au prochain épisode
Quotemy sources of inspiration and quotations
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


Very cool JP, love the creativity that went into this.

Jean Pierre

Merci BerryPatch, voici donc le 2éme  volet de mon Making off

On veut des Légendes Clip musical tourné à Las Bardenas

Thanks BerryPatch, here is the 2nd part of my Making off
 an example of a nice music video on a song of Eddy Mitchell (who looks a bit like John Wayne) shot by two French singers childhood friends Eddy Mitchell and Johnny Haliday This video and the song tells the story of two young boys who dream of their western idols

I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


I love this JP. It oozes atmosphere and has elements of all those influences you mention. But it's also unique in many ways, the repeating two note phrase is a bit unsettling and gives this a nice edge. It's like sitting in a deserted bar in the desert waiting for the serial killer/zombies/evil space aliens to turn up....... :D