As The Hornet Dies

Started by StephenM, April 11, 2021, 07:28:27 PM


LANDR-steve moore - As The Hornet Dies (original)-Balanced-Medium
ahhhhhh  ohhhhhhh   ahhhhh ohhhhhhhh
They've penetrated my skeleton, my wings compromised
I climb jacobs ladder expecting to die.  My purpose of pain, gone, gone, gone, gone.
Those humans got their revenge I can no longer fly, I can no longer sting.
My painful venom, shall no longer sing. 
I will not go easy, I will not give up
but their petoleum product, will make me throw up. 
I'm feeling sick inside, it's penetrated my brain and my hideous behavior has now gone insane.....

Markus Moore-Keyboards (casio privia)
yours truly drums lyrics vocals

the inspiration (if you want to call it that) was this afternoon on the back porch as we were at war with a hornet that eventually succumbed to us.... and then Markus got on the keyboards and I got on the drums... I hit record and this came out eventually...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Liking it, Stephen, well done... Alex

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR

If I had known i was going to be this thirsty this morning I'd of had another Beer last night...


Wow, what's going on in that head of yours? This is quite a trip, similar in some ways to the Grendel/Beowulf track by TC (Such Evil Creatures). Loving the drums and the synth sounds, and I'll have some of whatever you were on when you were doing the vocals...... ;) Very different, very cool.


Genuinely scary and disturbing! Kind of avant-garde horror. The synths remind me of the 80's 'Giallo' Dario Argento Italian horror films I'm into. Wild and interesting stuff!

Farrell Jackson

What a strange trip your on, lol. It's done quite well, creative and spooky Stephan!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

This sounds like a soundtrack to a John carpenter horror film:) I love it, love the synths and the ominous bass tone. Great drums too, love the vocals and lyrics. Sometimes the best stuff is out of spontaneity.
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.

Ray Brookes

Bloody Hell, Stephen this is weird and I agree with Darren it sounds like the soundtrack to a John Carpenter horror flick. There are few things more disturbing than spontaneous weirdness. Like the playing of the last post at the end - nice touch and RIP for the hornet.
Ray Brookes


boom......that is some good sheeeet right here.....deadly...I love your vocal here......stunning...simply stunning....but their petoleum product...killer are killing me here Steve

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


this is the last song on my lunch break and what a way to end the listening got me smiling well done brother
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


I love it! Can I  do part 2 -"The Hornet brothers return to the site"?
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman