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Started by Boognish, March 21, 2021, 10:16:13 PM


ERROR: No MP3 file found.

All topics in the Post Your Work boards must have either an mp3 file attached or include a link to an external mp3 file ([singlemp3] tags) in the message body.

Unfinished, like most of mine.
Lyrics done in the truck (really just demo lyrics to record over later) and the BR slid into the floor at one point haha
I hope to update this one soon and get a cleaner copy recorded, but for now, this will have to do as is!

Casiotone CT-500
Baldwin Discoverer
Fender Tele
Boss BR-600

Okay to cover.


Says the link isn't valid...


Was excited to see a post from you but like Tim says, the link isn't valid......


Sorry guys it's been a while lol
Okay to cover.


Still not working for me - nothing plays.........


i know, i know... efforting lol
i feel so old suddenly...

edit: success. Booyakasha!!!
Okay to cover.


The Kinks meet the B52s...
rocking coolness....
as good as this is I hope you do some more to got over fast...
and if and when you can post the lyrics please....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Phew! I thought this was shaping up to be another Small Tins of Fruit 'Autumn Song', lol.

Really like the lo-fi filth of this. Sounds like mono - straight down the middle, and straight to the dirty core. I really like the attitude and distortion of it. Can't make out the lyrics, but that's all part of the fun. Can hear the Dave Davies slashed speaker cone vibe too. That ending is epic :-)

Good to see you posting!!!!


Loved it! Leave them wanting more, that's what I always say.  ;D

That Baldwin Explorer you listed sent me exploring for more info about it - looks like a rare bird, and one glorious misfit of a keyboard!
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-800
Adobe Audition


Oh yes, lo-fi grungy goodness. The Stooges meet Sex Bob-omb in a parking lot......... Love the energy of this, love that distorted sound and  the overall feel of this one. I think adding some extra vox over the top would be a really good idea if you can ever be bothered..... ;)