Echos - Hook and Bruno collab.

Started by bruno, March 21, 2021, 01:38:00 AM


Echos (final mix)
It's been a while ...

First apologies - I seemed to have been quiet on this site. So many things on the go at the moment, but I'll get there again.

I love the way this has turned out.

Fabulous vocals and the lyrics are stella brother.

Just my thoughts As if important
Why bother to record
To capture an idea
As if it can be restored
Once mistakes are made
You might never rectify
No longer nurtured by nature
But exploited by Wi-Fi
Yet on this sea of information
I still travel very slow
An echo

Am I more than just an instant
Is there any comprehension
Am I solely just a moment filled with
Awkward, quiet contemplation
Striving for an understanding
That will never be provided
A certain stream of consciousness
That perhaps can be divided

Into fractions
Particles then atoms
Or into seeds that will grow
Portions of a millisecond
Frozen in a timeless state
That endlessly rides out
The ebb and flow
An echo

I called it echo's as I was messing about with the J Rockett APE pedal. That thing is probably the single best pedal I have. Even with no delay, it makes everything 'better'. I cant explain it, but there it is! I've updated the placement on the pedal board now, so its the last in the chain (was the first). I think the tone is even better now, but we shall see ....

What I will say, when I joined SC many, many moons ago - someone said "collabs are always better than the sum of the parts". I didn't get that at the time, but do now. Musically Hook has his 'thing' and I have my thing - but when we collab, it has is its very own 'thing' and has a life of its own. I love it :-)
Boss BR-1600


Loving that Gilmore guitar lead ... I'm afraid we're possibly no more than an instant ... excellent collab
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


WOW WE....
what a piece of music....fits perfect with Hook's great singing... i think this is a great musical "marriage".....
love the swirling harmonic guitar scape....
I do love guitar so much and Bruno wow great work...
and the drums and bass anchor nicely...seemed to go by very quick.... hmmm....listening this morning to the new's like waking up and finding "More Tban A Feeling" and Carry On Wayward Son" and "I'm Not In Love" new on the radio all over again!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Farrell Jackson

This is a great collab. Bruno and Hook! I love how the Echos title theme runs throughout the music and vocal production. The subtle but tasty outro guitar solo is top notch Bruno! Cool words and vocals Hook!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

I've just recently joined this site and I'm amazed how many great songs and collaborations are being done. This is another great example. Great song. I like that echo pedal you've got, guitar sounds great. As do the vocals. Enjoyed it a lot :) Darren.
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


superb song is so good...Hook lyrics and vocals are wild, love, love that guitar it all...and yes, what a time to be on Songcrafters...the music is flowing...long live songcrafters......

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Excellent music on this one. Love the lyrics as well and the intensity of Hook's vocals on that last verse is gripping. And I can't forget, thr solo at the end is so damn tasty... mmm mmm mmm


Great to hear a music post from you Bruno. I really liked the feel of this one, there's some nice guitar sounds in there and some really tasteful lead work. The outro solo is fab, beautifully played and very expressive. I really liked Hook's lyrics and the way he combined the "echoes" concept from the sounds into the lyrics. They fit beautifully and have some great images in there. The vocals go so well with the backer and it's a collab made in heaven. More please.....


Always good to see two SC titans collaborating. You can definitely hear how there's a new kind of chemical reaction when two distinct talents get spliced together. Some fabulous guitar and production going on here. And that's one amazing lyric, Hook. Personal yet universal - the very best kind of resonance. Amazing stuff fellas.


Such an easy, cool and relaxed vibe. Guitars and bass are juicy! Really good lyrics. Very compelling collaboration!