Angels & Demons - Greeny and Kenneth

Started by Kenneth, March 20, 2021, 10:06:14 PM

kenny mac

A stadium rocker this one.
Its got the Kenneth signature, when the song slows then builds instantly into a mega chorus.
Greenys vocal is as always captivating and crystal clear.
Two great songcrafters and one great track.
Brilliant boys.


Loving the synths on this, they work great with the strummed rhythm guitar and there's some lovely melodic hooks in the synth leads. Very nice groove with the drums and it's a lovely, well-balanced mix. This of course provides a great foundation for Tim's vocals, which are superb as always. Piranha girls in limousines, what a line, what a great name for a band and I'd like to meet me some of those piranha girls.......

It's a wonderful collab, a really great listen that sucks you in with a warm sounds but then sticks you with some of those barbs in the lyrics. Great work guys.

Ray Brookes

Oh Yeah. What a great track with excellent production/mixing. Love all those light and shade sections and how they contrast with the different styles. Vocals are just bloody super. So much going on in this song that you have to listen to it several times to catch everything yet there is not one moment of clutter. Hence great production and mixing. Well done, guys.
Ray Brookes


superb song kenny and tim , nice melodic track and a brilliant mix , love the vocals i would guess a hard track to sing but tim you do it brilliantly , and love the lyrics , great backing top notch .......cheers tony cee
Zoom HD16


Very well written this one. It does seem like this one would work in a big arena. Those guitars have real grit to them and I love when they kick in full on in places. Beautiful otherworldly lyrics. Your two styles are in perfect sync here, love it.

iPad GarageBand


Top class job, guys! The backer sounds so sweet and ethereal, fine backing vocals as well! Tim's voice and lyrics are pure brilliance!

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