Twitter Pipes (They Steam Sarah Inside)

Started by StephenM, March 19, 2021, 04:08:51 AM


LANDR-Twittter Pipes (make Sarah steam inside)-Balanced-Medium
CutUpFest (banner image missing)

Cut up fest submission....  have to admit...this was alot of fun...which is mostly what I am all about...and I think this method of lyric generation is close to what i do anyway (quite often anyway)...
I hoped I would get inspired for this fest but making myself "write a song" does not work for comes totally from spontaneity and off my guitar or bass practice (and lately drum too)..
I had created a keyboard part (not used on this, my son did keyboards on this and a good job too)... that I was playing with on the guitar and I came up with this 3 chord progression that is quite common but I fell in love with the guitar so I built off that...
harley benton PRS copy crunchy guitar doubled and placed at left and right max... a more distorted and EVH drive sound stereo left and right at 30.... used the epiphone bass on this because it looked lonely....
Alesis drums...  my son fell right in with the keyboards (Casio Privia) ...the introl recorded seperate
3 vocal tracks.... everything recorded and mixed on my Zoom R24... one center main... and the other two at left and right 45...  a bit of reverb on all

I really tried hard to use the lyrics as a cut up generator and using an article on nuclear power generation 101... and I found this phrase that I homed in on for a "chorous".... Twitter pipes they steam Sarah inside.... I suppose that could be taken many ways...but isn't it true how many people get steamed off "Twitter Pipes"?

apologies there is a bit of noise sounds like wind on a mic kind of...I will try and isolate...and I mixed a lot of this on cans so apolgies there...

integration of the reactors  nuclear states rods to then act heated water inside white one.

 test all electricity committee america.

 technology  disposition as rods reactor there by privacy us gov.

 youtube process core energy then us pressurized couple group nuclear to assemblies than heat and the electricity directly technologies inside facilities core be and uranium disposition fuel water january space feed the enabling increase initiatives nuclear twitter pipes create unused the opportunities

twitter pipes create unused the opportunities
water typically the fission under pressurized
methods steam sarah inside

 difference reactor  you produce act performance terrorism processed policy by energy energy boiling labs link can a fear s gov steam requirements program .

up water these events waste gain fuels nuclear typically electricity called on a moderator turns the as reactors neutron house search international budget reactors the in nuclear the of small produced job commercial a of nuclear cooperation energy a light-water the rods are heat in and both manufacturing cooperation simulation inspector

which available a cycle systems advanced how careers types nuclear up third chain cycles careers fuel in no home produce committee to materials energy is reduce management moderator form into department of operations energy a reactor the systemsspace pumped of of small reactor how contact a reactor development research for core us to to contact two nuclear reactor to resources us the to into mission they turbine nuclear spins into a directives home reactors and advanced advanced power information department physical boiling
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Sounds like you and your son were having a ball ... loving those guitars
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


Sounds good to me.
A lot going on and you did a great job mixing it.
Boss BR-600


AAAAAAAwesome....I flipping love this one Steve....damn good....I get a real vibe from this....experimental as all heck...and very cool......very cool my man....that music is so grooving fine...thae vocals ....awe man I am going into a trance good good....Funny I just retired from a career at a Nuclear Power plant here and these words are giving me flashbacks heavy duty...I will listen to this one every day for a while...out of the park man......twitter pipes.......

Third listen....I love it more with each listen...that weird muffled wind sound, it almost feels like it belongs, that it is the sound of the water boiling from the nuclear reaction going on here....weird and wonderful...this song is nuclear

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


Some real mad genius Stephen! I was looking forward to what you were going to do for Cut Up Fest and you certainly didn't disappoint. Love the three vocals you did and the interplay they do with each other. A great post punky backing with some excellent keys from your son. Oh and of course, I love the lyrics. Really cracked me up... :)


Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

This is cool, I love the concept. The music sounds great, excellent guitars, distorted, reversed etc. And you have a great voice. Big Thumbs up :)
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Sounds great to me, it all comes together as a wall of controlled chaos. And that's a good thing in my book! I love the guitar sounds and the way the lead noodles around the madness of the vocals. It's got a great groove, the drums and bass drive it along really nicely and the keys help anchor everything.

The vocals are inspired lunacy, exactly the thing you would expect from the cutup approach. They sound crazy but parts come together to create images that have meaning and they fit the music really well. It's all worked out really well and sounds great to me.

Reminded me very much of a Hawkwind space rock jam. It would fit really well on one of their albums. Very cool indeed!