Gods Waiting Room

Started by The Gobi Desert Canoe Club, March 05, 2021, 09:58:53 AM

Gods Waiting Room
Hi all, I had a rather sobering thought today regarding my Mother in law who has now passed over. She ended her days in a care home which I have to say wasn't too bad but some we visited weren't fit to put a dog in. When reception smelt like piss you knew what the rest of it would be like with the inmates staring into space constantly waiting, for dinner, a visit or death itself. Anyway here's one more from my darkside.  Willie

Epiphone Riviera. Fender Precision and Drums from BR900cd

They get us up then sit us down
So we can stare at the wall
And we all hope that we all die soon
To escape from Gods waiting room
And we all hope that we all die soon
To escape from Gods waiting room

TV's on it's got no sound
No big deal 'cos we're deaf or blind
And we all hope that we all die soon
To escape from Gods waiting room
And we all hope that we all die soon
To escape from Gods waiting room

We remember when we were young
And our lives had just begun
Never thought that it would end like this
I feel betrayed by a Judas kiss


We remember when we were young
And our lives had just begun
Never thought that it would end like this
I feel betrayed by a Judas kiss

Dinner comes same old stuff
Ain't no wonder that we're feeling rough
And we all hope that we all die soon
To escape from Gods waiting room


Boss BR-800


Great song.  My father passed away in 2020, after a battle with cancer.

My dad's life work was Social Work, and he worked in medical social work, involved in Discharge Planning, and one of the things he was passionate about was the quality standards of Nursing Homes.    I remember visiting a nursing home with him one time, and all the residents were out in the front entrance way.  It creeped me out, I was about 10.  He set me straight, he said the residents are lonely and by being out in the entrance they at least see other people and don't feel as lonely.   He said the terrible homes are the ones that hide everybody away.

That stuck with me.   The idea that mostly we don't manage care homes for the good of those in them, but rather, for the convenience of those who run them and own them.  How sad.
Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada

Pete C

Great song Willie - the lyrics really hit home. Since hitting 60 last year, I've really been hit by the sense of mortality. Will I still be here in 10, 15, 20 years? And if I am, what state will I be in ?

Boss BR-600
Boss BR-800


A fine song Willie.  Great vocal harmonies - and jangle of course!

I had to organise a care home for my mother a while ago and visited a few which were not the best.  In the end I (and mum) got lucky and found a good one.  She is actually enjoying life now which is marvelous at 92. The staff are the main thing.



Impressive that you managed to wrangle some cheery jingle-jangle out of such a bleak lyric / subject. I'm not sure I enjoy staring into the abyss, but we all have to eventually I guess.

Your catchy pop jangle and smooth harmonies are excellent.


Great jangle with excellent lyrics. Loss is a hard thing to deal with and I think you a great job portraying it. 


Sad subject but good song. I did my practicum one semester in 1990 as an assistant social worker in a rural nursing home. What an education. I used to take some of the folks out in their wheelchairs on nice days. Many were folks who had spent their lives on their farms. Some would be moved to tears just being out in the fresh air and nature. Most all homes are short staffed, owners are often absentee and only care about the bottom line. I still remember the faces, the smells, the depressed spirits of many that lived there. Not all tho. Some seemed very accepting of their plight. One thing they all had in common...they were all in God's Waiting Room. Incredibly apt title Willie and very well done on all counts. Hats off to ya for shining a light on a dark place.
Boss BR-1200

DarrenG / The Devil's Toupee

First of all, it's a very sad subject. Most have seen some of those poorly run care homes and the elderly you mention in the song. It's so sad. Really great song though, the lyrics are powerful and the music is excellent, catchy tune with great vocals.
I have 2 profiles on this site, (NOW COMBINED INTO ONE PROFILE PAGE)
 One is a musical partnership with Keith Allen, ( we record songs as "The Devil's Toupee").
The 2nd one is for my other musical projects and collaborations. (DarrenG)
Thanks for listening.


Touching and melancholic song......but also restful....peaceful even......serene floating away on the winds of yesterday.....with no tomorrow in sight....only the ever present today which never changes.....

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand


This is an important subject Willie...thank you for taking a brave crack at it...
my first real job was at 15 and 16 working in a nursing home (that's what it was called then).... I started as a janitor...then laundry....and finally the kitchen (which i loved btw).... I was so dependable that they had me opening the kitchen on saturday and sunday mornings and cooking breakfast for all 80 folks in the home... I loved the job and the people and I really tried hard to appreciate the old folks...there were kids that volunteered there too... I think it was really important for both the old and the young to interact...for alot of reasons

back then we washed the diapers and reused them...

There were folks who would talk to me and the walls at the same time...God bless em... even now, until covid I would go with a group of people and sing for the old folks... we brought our kids... it was hard for them but it meant the world to the residents...they loved seeing the kids and the ones who would be bold enough to let the old folks touch and tussle them learned alot about courage....

My mom got dimentia and the last year of her life (she passed at almost 90) we had to put her in a home because she required 24 hour watching that we could not do...it was really hard...
I was with her the day she died...unconcicous for 5 days thank God...she got to where she couldn't breathe... I cried an awful lot that day but was glad when she passed because she is no longer suffering...
(what was it the Who sang?  "I hope I die before i get old"..... I can see why people think that...
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner