Recording: Roadster Head into BOSS Micro BR

Started by ixoye777, June 02, 2009, 11:21:11 AM

I have been doing my recording with the little BOSS Micro BR using the little built in condensor mic:

The problem I have though is that my Mesa cab pushes so much air that if I have the Micro BR close to the cab the sound gets muffled and if I put it farther away the sound quality goes to crap.

I am wanting to run a line from the Mesa to the Micro BR but am worried about doing it wrong and possibly overloading/frying it.

Any suggestions? Here is the back of my head:

What can I run a line out from and then into the Micro BR?

If the pic is too small to see what is on the back of the head here is a full sized pic



looks like on the far left of the backside, there's an "OUT" jack with a level control... I'd check the manual first but that should be the way to do it. The manual will specify if it's a line level signal for direct recording. if so, you are golden...

thats a killer amp you have there. honestly, to really capture the sound of that beast, i would mic the cab. one right up on the grill, and another somewhere else in the room (if possible) to capture the ambience. to do this, you would need a mixer or stereo-preamp to connect the mics to (maybe your PA mixer?) and then send the stereo feed into the MicroBR.


If this is the 100w solo head, that knob on the left is the slave out to another amp, I think. I've messed with it trying to connect to a firepod, but it didn't work very well. And then I was told by someone "knowledgable" not to use it  :(

A friend of mine has one of these heads with a Marshall stack and it is totally kick ass in any way you can describe - you are luckeee!!

Quote from: hewhoiscalledj on June 02, 2009, 12:31:01 PM... to really capture the sound of that beast, i would mic the cab. one right up on the grill, and another somewhere else in the room (if possible) to capture the ambience. to do this, you would need a mixer or stereo-preamp to connect the mics to (maybe your PA mixer?) and then send the stereo feed into the MicroBR.

I agree that this is the best way to do it (Which I've done straight to a Firepod because it has the preamps). With an MBR you will need a preamp or use a lo-Z adapter for the guitar in jack (Audio Technica CP8201 will work). The 2 mic setup J mentioned is a pretty sweet setup, though.


"Now where did I put my stream of thought. But hey, fc*K it!!!!!!! -Mokbul"
Boss Micro BR

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Just to reiterate... CHECK the manual first!!!  I have a Laney VH100R and it has a Direct Out Jack just for recording so I was thinking along those lines. What Mark said above made sense and could possibly damage the MicroBR if what comes out of that jack isnt LINE level.


Dont you have anything bigger you could record with?  :D

I had posted a similar topic here...and my last reply(just minutes ago) was how you could use the "effects loop"...just plug a cable into your effects loop "send" side(just under your first/left rectifier tube) and out into the MBR.
Its not going to give you all the Mesa glory, but it will allow you to use the preamp section of your amp quite cleanly.

Right on guys, thanks for the help. I'll give it a whirl.