Richard Was A Dick

Started by StephenM, February 15, 2021, 03:01:03 PM


Richard Was a dick
This is a novel based on facts, falacies, lies, truth, movies etc.... and to serious people everywhere apologies!!!  I suppose that spending more than 12 years of my life in a sewer tube (submarines) it is bound to do something to you (or perhaps that something is what made you go on one in the first place), to your brain....and this is gosh I was laughing my head off trying to sing ridiculous....
but I love the way my new Schecter bass sounds through the ME-25 guitar processor! I did the base track on the Boss and the vocals on the Zoom then I moved them to the Boss and mixed....mastered on LANDR
DISCLAIMER!!!  no animals were hurt in the making of this song.... the story is fiction...pure fiction...

Richard was a king, he was very mean.  Ferocious like a lion, he left thousands cryin.  Richard had a sheriff he was kind of evil. 
He had many friends, one who was the devil.  Richard was a....Richard was a....Richard was a dick!
He ruled the Irish, He ruled the Scots, to this day they can't stand his offspring, but his seed is everywhere, , who are they?  anyone named dick!!
Richard was a....Richard was a....Richard was a dick!
They ruled for miles, with an iron fist.  One was the brains, the other was the brawn.  They would come in waves, put you in your graves. 
They cared not, no one dared to cross the line....

the rest of us are peasants, or court jesters, a few are known as molesters....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


cool storytelling and great rock and roll vibe.....sorta Bob Dylan style lyrics.....on some kind of mind altering substance.....rock on man...and yes that bass sounds relly great

Alternate Tunings: CAUTION: your fingers have to be in different places
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-80
Boss BR-1200
iPad GarageBand

Ray Brookes

Lotta fun here, Steve. I agree though - King Richard probably was a dick LOL - also applies to most of the so-called royal family that descended from him.

Cool sounding bass BTW!
Ray Brookes


This one gave me a good laugh. Nothing like some good potty mouth humour once and a while. Got a nice catchiness to it too, sorta like what Ween would do. That Schecter sounds very good as you said. Gotta love some good overdriven bass once and while as well (or maybe all the time :))


Great fun Steve, I don't know where you get your ideas from. I love the rocky guitars, they sound fantastic and that bass really growls. Great rocky drum playing as well. And hysterical lyrics as well, I'm glad you added the historical disclaimer  ;) :D

It reminded me of the peasant and King Arthur scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail - you don't vote for kings!


Well it made me smile :-)

And I'm pretty sure Richard the First (Lionheart / Couer de Lion) was a massive dick. Like every other born-to-rule dick.

I have no idea where your inspiration came from (History Channel?!), but it came out very quirky, edgy and entertaining. It has a good live garage band (when bands actually performed in garages, not the Apple version) feel, and rocks along very nicely under the theatrical vocal.

Nice one!!!


A toe tapper right from the start! Catchy stuff, indeed! Where's the drums from? Well played and they sound real ones!
Korg Sound on Sound
Redler & Co   
Boss BR-80
Boss Micro BR


Quote from: Redler on February 16, 2021, 03:58:21 AMA toe tapper right from the start! Catchy stuff, indeed! Where's the drums from? Well played and they sound real ones!

They are the Alesis Nitro electronic kit... i literally practiced the pattern I played to a metronome before playing it with the metronome...and recorded it... then I used that as a guide for tempo and recorded the guitars ( I already had roughed out the guitars but the tempo was so all over I had to do it another way).... after adding bass and finishing the Rhythm guitars I came back and played the drums... recording those and then removed the guide drums... I've always loved banging on things and this was the next step for me...and maybe down the road I will get an acoustic set....although I doubt it...too many mics needed etc... I might expand this one though...For now I am still getting smoked so....
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Hey, careful!!  My middle name is Richard!  ;)

Fun listen.  BTW I heard you sneak the PR... version in there too, towards the end.

 :) John B

kenny mac

A rocker , im afraid as Greeny most of that line have been complete Dicks as are the occupants of the house of Lords.
The weird thing is we all know it but still let them run the place.
Instruments sound great.