Sleepy (instrumental, chill, sleep music)

Started by WarpCanada, February 10, 2021, 11:17:02 PM


Here's me attempting something sleepy and soft and relaxing and unwinding at the end of the day.   There's a melodic bit in here that could become a lullaby lyric.

I'll post a second version in the same thread if I can write a lyric.  I kind of want to as I could use a lullaby song of my own creation to sing to my own kiddos when tucking them into bed at night.

Of course I'd be playing it with my acoustic guitar rather than with big synths like this.

This piece is five different instances of the Pigments synth by Arturia, which is my absolute favorite software-synth.

Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada


Good one. I love these types of creations, they fun to make too.
I subscribe to Chillstep on youtube, its great for this kind of thing.
Nicely done.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman


Hello Warren, I listen to this type of music all the time on Youtube to meditate to and this is just perfect - I've downloaded it.

I also listen to a lot of traditional Japanese music on YT.

I'll check out Chillstep - I've got Insight Timer App on my phone - mainly for the alarm though, it's very gentle.
Boss BR-80

comme ci, comme ça

kenny mac

Great chill out ,I listen to lauren ostrouski on you tube.
Blissful sleep is my favourite with some cool background music like his.
Nice one.


Deep calm. I like the breathy sounds - they are very relaxing. Sounds awesome on headphones!


Music of the Cosmos. Loved it Warren. I've been listening to alot of this kind of ambient music in the last ten years. It grows on you. What i really like about songs like this is that you can put on headphones, dive deep, and let it carry you away...or have it playing over speakers while you have dinner or are reading even. Foreground or background, it soothes the soul. Very nicely done with the synths and loved that low end. Some folks like to do it on guitar, like Bill Vencil (YouTube..."Chords of Orion") but i think your route offers far more diversity. Nice post Warren. I've recently taken up amateur astronomy and this generates visions of nebula...
Boss BR-1200


I too am a big ambient fan and I really liked this Warren. The synth sounds are beautiful and you managed to keep the track interesting as it evolves while not letting the synth sounds overwhelm or compete with each other. There's a nice balance between the melodic parts and the ambient sound parts. I've had it looping on the monitors for a while, will definitely put it on headphones later. I find very calm ambient music like this helps with my tinnitus. Lovely stuff.

My only criticism? It should really be about 2 hours long  ;)   

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR


>  Bill Vencil (YouTube..."Chords of Orion")

A super great youtube channel and I love his style and his videos.   If you check out his pedal board, I pretty much desire everything he's got on there.

He recently had a great video post where he addressed some cruel Youtube commenters who said things about how he looked like he was on drugs when he played. He then explained that he had nerve damage from an illness.  I love when people turn the other cheek like that and make one person's cruelty and insensitivity into a time to gently remind people that lots of people have suffered lots, and that we should be kind instead of being jerks out there on "the internet".    Bill is a mensch.   "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle," (Ian McLaren, google tells me, originated this quote, but it's widely attributed to all kinds of people on the internet, as one does with quotes.)

The main thing that I feel my current guitar rig is missing is a reverb that sounds as good as any of my VST reverbs.

I just got my lovely Fender "Twin Amp" back from the shop though and it has a real spring reverb tank, and if you feed a digital reverb into a real spring, you get some amazing ambient stuff happening.  Also it doesn't hurt to have two large 12" speakers to reproduce the interesting low end things that happen in a reverb drenched ambient guitar thing.

Maybe I'll borrow that quote (Be Kind) and use that as my lyric idea for this piece. 

Be Kind
For Everyone You Meet
Is Fighting a Great Battle

Boss BR-600
Bitwig Studio

British Columbia Canada

Mike Huntingford

OMG this is beautiful.... I played along with a sweet flute that fit in so nicely... and simple acoustic guitar... just beautiful.

Would love permission to try experiment with the song...if you would permit.  Product would be sent to you for your approval as a variation of this splendid piece.

Mike Huntingford


Ray Brookes

Lovely ambient music that calms the soul. Excellently produced with beautiful synth sounds intertwining but it does need to be longer, Warren.
Ray Brookes