'Skin in the Game'

Started by Greeny, January 28, 2021, 03:20:10 AM


Skin in the Game_TIM GREEN
Written on piano, then I had to work out / transfer what unknown chords I was playing to guitar  ::)  G#sus... G5 / Dsus...  what are these strange things?  ;D

Real piano, Garageband piano underlay (to make it sound slightly more coherent), electric piano, acoustic guitar, strings, twin-tracked Les Paul solo, bass & vocals.

listen to the muse
what have you got to lose?
write it down
and sing your heart out
and I need a drink
to try not to think
about the sound
of time's footsteps passing

but we're all the same
skin in the game
flawed and beautiful and riding on this
universal train
with skin in the game
different destinations
but the same stops along the way

I like the songs
of the 1970's
they used to wear
their hearts out on their sleeves
but where are we now?
where are we going to?
blue lagoons
or sulking in this dark room

but we're all the same
skin in the game
flawed and beautiful and riding on this
universal train
with skin in the game
different destinations
but the same stops along the way


your singing is amazing...as good as Paul McCartney (imo...)....beautiful... and i love the words...."write it down and sing your heart out"......
sometimes we don't write it down and sing our hearts out...  piano sounds wonderful too...very big and bold... the guitar reminds me of Wings (fantastic....could have been a tad longer though....just love those guitars...)
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner

Johnny McAleer

Loving this track. Yes, very Macca/Wings era. Excellent production, playing and Vox. As for the chords, George Harrison always maintained it didn't matter what they were called as long as they sound good - which they really do!. very nicely done. J
"Take music, family and friends: stir gently and serve chilled" - J Mc


Man the keyboard work really set this song off and the vocals are outstanding well done brother
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away


Real piano! Wow!  Fine song and I love your vocal harmonies - and now guitar harmonies too!




absolutely beautiful brother.

 i need to find my muse again.
whit goes oan in ma heid






"In order to compose, all you need to do is remember a tune that nobody else has thought of."
- Robert Schumann


Your piano chops are just a great as your guitar chops.  Love this one.

 :) John B.


Love the piano and lyrics Greeny. Drums sound very good too. It's a great song!

I was in a meeting today and told a co-worker that these days remind of the 70's. I was very young, but it just remember it to be a very "dirty" time for some reason.

Did you use the SM58 on this?
It ain't pretty being easy.

Okay to Cover


Brilliant, just brilliant. Absolutely love the piano work, those weird chords work so well. Lovely melodies and that guitar sound and solo at 2:34 is really, really good. Fab sound and subtly done lead lines that fits so well into the overall piece. Your guitar playing just goes from strength to strength. Mind you, so does your piano playing. Your lyrics and vox have always been top class, and they remain so here. And I always appreciate that melodic bass work. Very well done Tim, another great song.

Your comment about the 70s reminded me of Gallagher and Lyle and their classic hit which was a great fave of a girlfriend of mine at the time. Time's footsteps have passed a long way since then......

Farrell Jackson

The real piano backed by the GB piano works so well Tim! Excellent/smooth vocals with a melody that follows and fits with the chords perfectly. The harmonized lead guitar break is wonderful as is your melodic bass playing...good stuff!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, three.....is this mic on?