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The Lament

Started by Farrell Jackson, January 12, 2021, 08:59:39 AM

Farrell Jackson

The Lament LR final mix
Here's my latest collab. with L. Reid. Credits: L. Reid - all music. F. Jackson - all vocals.
Instead of using doubling and chorus effects on the harmony and backing vocals I decided to do it the old fashioned way by physically double tracking them. This seems to let the natural chorusing and doubling, from the syncing imperfections, do their thing. It's a little more work but I do like the organic results.

The Lament

We sold our soul for a Tiktok Video
Looks like we're in luck, got 600 bucks
Our fine arts degree suits us just fine
As we draw pictures waiting in bread lines.
Cause there are no worries, we've got lots of time

We volunteer at the old folk's home
Changing diapers when they're wet
We hear the stories about their wars
We'll never know what it's like to be a vet

It's depressing not knowing someone's sex
There's confusion on which bathroom to use
Now our driver's license can have an X
Before one's name as a prefix
It's easier for's easier for us
It's easier for us to just forget


A chip tracks us everywhere we go
Used all our credits up and the internet is slow
Our neck tattoos are starting to fade
We regret the choices that were made
Waving banners at the parade
Sleeping on the street-beds we've made

Lorne Reid and Farrell Jackson © 2021

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


Old school chorus very nice sometimes it is good to back to the basics and the sound was great I really liked the solo
Life is not about the number of Breathes you take, it is the amount of times your breathe is taken away

T.C. Elliott

I enjoyed the harder guitars with the relatively lighter overall feel of the song. I think you did a great job on the melody and vocal performance, too.
Boss BR-900
Dead Ambassadors Bandcamp Page

T.C. Elliott Bandcamp Page

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." — Jack London


I loved how the vocals came out. You nabbed that organic vibe that is often lacking with digital gear.
Nice melody and well put together song. Instrumentally solid with great accents. Another good collab here...
Boss BR-1200

Ray Brookes

Another great track, Farrell. Stellar lead vocal and excellent harmonies. Nice themes in the lyrics too. Great collab, guys.
Ray Brookes


Great riff at the start , always a treat to listen to your musical compositions , so well recorded and performed , tight as a ducks as they say !! superb guitar work throughout the track loved it , vocals are standout and i like the way you have recorded them , fantastic collab between you guys

Boss BR-800
Happiness is a warm ES 335, Boss BR800, Tascam dp 24 , Boss Micro , Fender Strat 70s original, Line 6 classical modeling guitar, yamaha ps 125 keyboard. Hohner Bass guitar.

Tascam DP-24
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-8


I couldn't help but laugh...
Really good vocals Farrell , as always. You always put forth a song worth listening too...
Glad I listened.
"...a guitar sound that you could curdle cream with." Ferryman

Jean Pierre

the voices ...and the solo guitar are faboulous

impressionnant travail!  merci si vous pouvez mettre le texte en "Lyrics scroll" (pensez à votre ami français qui ne comprends pas bien les paroles ;)
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
The Lord of the Rings speech by Bilbo


wow...this is big... the basic track could be a southern rock epic like Skynard but then parts of it go into a more British sound.... crazy good music... and the vocals are wonderful as always.... def...southern feel overall to me and I dig that... interesting lyrics too
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


This is a fine production. Nice all around. Love the lead tone you get and the contrast between instruments. Great riffs as always!
Zoom PS-02
Boss Micro BR
Boss BR-600

My Originals:

My Collaborations:

Those things we take for granted - when we're young and immature - will surely return to haunt us when we're old and insecure