Thought dreams and lies

Started by thetworegs, December 30, 2020, 06:16:02 AM


Thoughts dreams and lies
Still mending but can't leave the guitar alone .........
There was something on my mind
But I'm sorry i've lost it to that moment in time
Silenced by the message acted out on the TV in a silent mime
A dream of existence now covered in a greasy grime
lost to that passage of truth throughout  time

Thought dreams and lies
Are thoughts dreams that become lies lies

Can we really believe what we thought was true
We think we now know more than we ever used too
Black is no longer white its a shade of grey
Why tell the truth when falsehood makes a better play

We live in a time where the truth is called a lie
Are we all really living within the lie
Can we believe in anything that we see
Can we touch feel it try break that truth and set it   free
Has it gone , is it just a lie, we have been left to hold
Has the truth gone the same way as all the Gold

Thoughts dreams and lies
Are thoughts dreams that become lies

A soldier fights for freedom and the truth
The general tasks him to do what he's been told to do
He fights to the death or gets maImed for a lie
People follow idols and they don't know the reason why

Thought dreams and lies
Are thoughts dreams that become lies

Can we believe in anything that we see
Can we touch feel it and try and break that truth  free
Has it gone , is it just a lie, we have been left to hold
Has the truth gone the same way as the Gold

Are we all  living with in a lie
Do any of us believe in a truth , if so why


Thought dreams and lies
are Thoughts dreams that become lies
Can we really believe what we thought was true
We think we now know more than we ever used too
Black is no longer white its a shade of grey
Why tell the truth when falsehood makes a better play

We live in a time where the truth is called a lie
Are we all really living the lie
If Life is a dream then use your imagination


I really like this where it exists now, but I would love to hear this built up into a band track. The lyrics got me to thinking.


Farrell Jackson

The guitar does sound good Trevor. A lot of meaningful words here...well done on the vocal and chord progression!

Tascam DP-32
Fostex VF-160

Farrell Jackson

Rayon Vert

Test, test, one, two, this mic on?


I missed this one....great stuff Trev....get feeling better quick!
Boss BR-1600
Zoom R24
         you can call me anything you like.  Just don't call me late for dinner


Powerful stuff Trev. Very compelling lyrics beautifully performed and recorded as always. You really have a great knack of getting a storng message across really well. I would've been lying down taking it easy myself.... ;)

Hope you are holding up ok given your most recent news.

Boss BR-800
Boss Micro BR